Paul: He LOVES his little sister and would often come in to see her while we were upstairs recovering from the birth. Paul is a big help as he loves to bring things to me and often volunteers to bring things. He does miss his mommy alot, but enjoys being able to have daddy home more. Paul is growing so fast and is constantly wanting to do school and read.
Peter: He also loves his sister although not as much as Paul does. Peter would also like to come and see me while we were upstairs. He loves to look at his sister and touch her. Peter does not seem to miss me as much as Paul does, but I think he does notice that I am not around as much as I use to be. Peter loves to go outside and play and often we have a hard time bringing him back in for lunch or naps. He also is developing a love for learning and will often sit with Paul to do school.
Stella: Stella noticed that there was a new one in the house and she does not like it. She will often cry at auntie when auntie holds baby Fay. Stella also noticed that mommy does not have time for her as much. I have been spending time with her by rocking her to sleep or holding her in my lap while I am down stairs. She is almost to the point of walking around the house and she loves to climb on things. Stella is definitely determined to do things and she loves to play with her brothers.
Mommy and Daddy: Besides not getting enough sleep at night, we are doing pretty good. Fay keeps me up alot at night, so I end up having to sleep during the day. I am not use to sleeping during the day and this is a huge adjustment as I miss seeing my other kids. Joshua has been a great help in taking care of the other 3 kids so that I can get my rest and focus on Fay. Joshua has been working half days at the shop and my sister helps me the other half. I still have to be careful to not over do it.
Fay: She is growing everyday and now she looks like a baby instead of a new born. At first she was not getting enough to eat, so we had to switch to me pumping and giving her a bottle. Fay has really taken off and gained quite a bit of weight and filled out. She still sleeps alot, but the time is coming when she will be awake and needing more attention. After Fay was born, she lost alot of weight- she weighted 6 lbs. 9 ozs. at birth and then she went down to 5 lbs. 13 ozs. Otherwise she is doing great. Please pray that she will continue to gain weight and that we will get the nursing thing down.
Auntie Mar: She has really been a great help to me and I don't know what I would do without her. Auntie Mar has taken on the task of 3 kids- which is not an easy task to take on, even for me. She has made sure that I get the rest that I need, cleans the house, makes meals, and even serves me by bringing things up stairs when I need them so that I don't have to travel them that much. I am VERY thankful for my sister, she has been a life saver. She does not have the kids all day as Joshua comes home in the afternoons so she does get some time off.
Grandpa and Grandma: My parents have also been very supportive since I had Fay. My mom has been a great help in the mornings and nights after work. If I have trouble with Fay at night, I know that I can wake my mom and she will help me get Fay to sleep. My mom also has been very good at keeping the boys occupied. She and my dad will often work outside in the yard over the weekend and they will take the boys outside to work with them. They are also planning a trip to go to Iowa and Wisconsin over the 4th of July to visit with family. Otherwise they have been busy at the shop.
We would appreciate your prayers for all of us and as we make adjustments to having a new little one in our home.
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