June 22, 2011
Fay's Birth Story
The day before Fay's birth, I was busy with trying to get things done while Joshua was home. We had no idea that Fay was going to be born the next day. My parents were going to switch cars with us, so I was busy with cleaning out our car and getting it ready. I also went to Walmart to get some things "just in case" I went into labor that week. If I would have known that I was going to go into labor, I would have taken a nap as all our children have come at night. Anyways, about 8:30 or 9:00 pm I started to have some light contractions, but I was not totally sure if they were contractions. They slow progressed and got harder, but not closer together. About 11:00 pm I was still able to talk through them even though they were harder and not more than 6 mins apart. Well this reminded me of Peter's labor and that I was farther along and even waited too long before giving birth to him. So I called our midwife and told her that I thought she should get over here if nothing more than to check me. I had a contraction while on the phone and told her so, but that I was able to still speak. We woke up my parents and they helped us get their room ready for the birth. I am so grateful for them letting us use their room as it has a connected bathroom and it make it so much easier. My parents also helped out with the birthing tub (getting it ready) and taking care of the kids all night. When the midwife came over and checked me, I was 6 to 7 cm dilated. My labor was short with Fay being only 6 hours, but the contractions were very hard. She was born on June 19- Father's Day at 3:47 am. She is so cute and very petite in size. We feel very blessed that God decided to add her to our family.

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It is so nice to hear the story of Fays birth. I love it. So calm and confident. I love all of you. Please give everyone kisses and love from me. Glad you had such a blessed Fathers day! Truly a wonderful gift to be given. I can't wait to some day be able to meet all of your beautiful children. Love you much Catherine