Paul and Peter: they sure have been getting into this Christmas stuff. They love every decoration that we put out, especially the tree. I take them on walks and they love to look at the Christmas lights, Christmas trees, and decorations that the different houses have. We have been having fun starting some new traditions with them. It is going to be so much fun to celebrate Christmas as they grow older.
Joshua and Amy: we have been busy with the boys. I seem to tire out more quickly now then I did before I was pregnant. We are also getting ready for Christmas (9 days away!!!!) and for the arrival of Joshua's mom, who is going to be celebrating Christmas with us and spending about a week here. Joshua is busy at the shop and with the boys. I am doing okay, but please pray that my eating will come back where it needs to be. I don't need to be losing any more weight.
Bob and Marie: they just got back from a trip to Iowa that they took last Friday. The family was getting together for Christmas and my parents decided to go and see everyone again. They had such a fun time last time and this time. We sure did miss them. They have also been busy with the shop, trying to keep everything running smooth. My mom is also in charge of some of the events at our church, especially the Christmas brunch we are having this Sunday. They are also busy with the grandkids,as they love to play with them when they get home and before work.
Marlene: she has been busy with helping me, especially since I have not been feeling well lately and helping at the shop. Marlene and I have been having fun taking the boys to the indoor playground and taking them on the train. I am glad that I get to spend time with my sister, she is such a big help. She also likes to cook dinners for us and go to the shop to help out while the boys sleep. Marlene also likes to play with the boys and she loves being an auntie.
We hope that you are all doing well and that you have a Merry Christmas. Thank you for your friendship, keeping in touch, and praying for us.
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