December 17, 2009

A Child's Prespective

Yesterday Joshua and I had some errands to run with the boys. We did some of our errands before the boys nap and had to run out again afterwards because we did not get all of them done. We had just finished our errands as the sun was setting when Paul noticed that the sun was setting.

Paul: Mommy the sun is going night, night.
Mommy: Yes Paul. The sun is going night, night.
Joshua: Paul, did you know that when the sun goes to see it sets in the east and when it wakes up it rises in the west? (pointing out the directions that the sun sets and rises in)
Paul: Yeah.
Joshua: (he thought he would quiz Paul and see if he would remember what he just said) Paul which direction does the sun rise?
Paul: The sun is still sleep, sleep daddy.

Joshua and I laughed when we heard this. It is amazing at what kids comprehend and remember. We hope you enjoyed this as much as we did.


1 comment:

We are excited to hear from you. God bless.