September 22, 2009

Update On Us

Hi, everyone. I hope that you are all doing well. We are doing great and keeping busy as always. The boys sure do keep me busy. They are so active that I have to keep ahead of them (which is not always an easy thing to do). With the cold weather coming I am definitely going to have to keep on top of things, because I can't send them outside to get their energy out. There is a mall that has an indoor playground and I plan on taking the boys there as often as I can so that they can get some exercise. Paul is talking more and more. He is making up small sentences and is interacting with me alot more. I am trying to potty train him, which is not going very well. If anyone has any comments on this, please let me know. Paul is enjoying Peter alot more too. Its fun to see them playing together. Peter is very active and enjoys being outside. I am hoping that this year that will motivate them to play in the snow. Peter has been surprising us by saying some words and making animal sounds. Its cute to see him trying to communicate. I am busy with my two little boys and taking care of the house and everything else. I have begun on my Christmas preparations because I know that I would not have time otherwise. I am not a last minute person, it drives me nuts. I try to go to the shop at least once a week to help out in the violin shop while my sister watches the boys. My sister is busy helping me with the boys and going to the shop to help out. She is such a big help to me and I know that she is a help at the shop as well. She enjoys going to the shop and eating lunch with my mom as well. My sister also helps me take care of the house, which is an extreme help. She has been such a blessing to me. My mom and dad have been busy with the shop and all that that goes with it. They do try to take a day off once a week on Fridays, which they like to go and be gone all day. I am glad that they are able to do this because I know that it is very hectic at the shop. Joshua is also busy at the shop and has been able to work in his violin shop. He has some repairs that he is trying to get finished up. There is a tech working for us that wants to take over Joshua's job, which is good because then Joshua would be able to go full time in the violin side. Well, that's about it. Hope you are all doing good. God bless each and everyone of you.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the potty training goes better! It takes a LOT of patience, I know! For us, a really amazing award helped us to have better success! For some children, that reward might be some sort of food treat, and for others, other types of rewards work better (for Michael and Bethany it was outside time that really motivated them). Sometimes (especially at first) you have to keep them on the potty almost all day in order to have any success at all, so they can get the hang of what they are supposed to be doing (reading books or watching movies can help them not get too bored). It is hard and unpleasant, but it usually works. You can't be too far away, or they might stand up. Some children start having so much fun with the book, toy, or movie, that they forget they are sitting on the potty, and finally go! And sometimes while they are sitting there they just get so desperate that they can't hold it in any longer. When they do go, praise them a whole lot, and give them a reward that they won't soon forget! Once they get quite used to going in the potty (both #1 and 2) then I put regular underwear on them, and watch them like a hawk for any signs that they need to go, taking them to the bathroom very frequently--like every 15 to 30 minutes (definitely expect some accidents!). Eventually, the children caught on with these methods. Those are some things that have worked for me. I am probably going to be training Julie this fall, and I'm not looking forward to it! It will be nice to have one less diaper to change, though! :) Sorry this comment is so long! :)


We are excited to hear from you. God bless.