September 8, 2009

Labor Day Fun

Joshua had the day off yesterday and my parents only work part of the day. Joshua had fun being able to spend time with the boys. They played in the backyard for a long time. That helped me alot because I spent the morning baking cookies. Then it was time for the boys naps. Joshua and I got to spend some time resting. I like the quietness and being able to get things done while the boys sleep :). Then we hung around the house until my parents and sister got home. My mom had wanted to go up to a park near by in Black Forest and have a picinic dinner. So we stopped by a fast food restraunt and picked up something to eat. Then we headed to the park. Paul was so excited that he did not want to sit down and eat, he wanted to go and play. Peter was excited too. He could hardly sit down. After we finished eating, Joshua and I watched the boys play and my parents and sister went for a walk. Peter loves animals and someone had brought their dogs to the park. Peter went right over and started to pet the dog. He was so excited. The boys had so much fun at the park. Soon it was time to go home as it was getting dark. I hope that you all had a blessed day.

1 comment:

We are excited to hear from you. God bless.