Paul and Peter: Peter is talking more and more, not always clearly, but at least he is talking. Paul's vocabulary is expanding and he loves doing school with mommy. Paul loves to say hi to the baby in mommy's tummy and he often says that he has a baby in his tummy. Both of the boys have been very helpful in taking care of Stella and doing things around the house. Paul and I are enjoying the time we get to spend together during Awanas.
Stella: Stella will be 9 months on the 2nd of March. I can't believe how big she is getting. Time goes by so fast with the more kids you have. She is doing the army crawl, but will get up on her hands and knees to start. She can sit up by herself from the crawling position. Stella also loves to eat cheerios and crackers, when she has the chance to and her older brothers don't eat them all. She is getting two of her top teeth. We are enjoying having a little girl.
Joshua and Amy: We are busy with kids, getting things done around the house, and re-organizing Stella's room. We are 75% sure that we are having another girl and are happy about having two girls close together. Joshua and I have decided on Fay Estelle for this little ones name. We did not think that we would have to re-do Stella's room any time soon and this is ending up being a big project. I am trying to get as much done before the little one comes. Joshua is also busy with the cell phone shop and violin shop.
Bob and Marie: They are enjoying the grandkids and are a big help with them. We are finishing another part of the basement to make a bigger room for my sister, so Joshua and my dad moved our washer and dryer over out of that room. We are enjoying doing things on the house on the weekend as a family. Bob and Marie are getting more involved at church. They are involved in the mission committee and they just recently joined the choir. Otherwise they are busy with the shop and family.
Marlene: She is busy with helping me with the kids, cooking dinner, cleaning the house, and helping where she can. She does have time to attend a Bible study on Tuesday nights and hang out with friends. Marlene is a big help when I am feeling tired and need a nap, or just need to get out of the house to run an errand or go for a walk. The boys love being able to spend time with their auntie, so does Stella.
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