Joshua and I were so excited to find out that we were expecting again. Peter was getting big so fast and we missed not having a baby around (although we knew that it would be alot of work having 3 kids). We were also very excited about having this one by our first child born in Colorado Springs and with a midwife (midwife's are half the price here as in California). As soon as we learned that we were expecting our third, we began making plans. I was sick for the first 3 1/2 months of the pregnancy to where I could not eat anything, so I had a feeling that this one might be a girl. It was hard taking care of the boys at this time, but I had lots of help. As time went on, Joshua and I decided to find out what the gender of the baby was going to be. I wanted to know if the baby was going to be a girl so that I could prepare for a girl (since I was already for a boy). We had an ultrasound done and the baby looked like a girl, but we never got a good look. A few weeks after we had another one done, but the same thing. So we started to tell people that we thought we were having a girl. We were so excited!!! Imagine a girl after two boys (of course I would have been happy if the baby would have been a boy). Time went on and I continued to get bigger and bigger. I started to measure really big during my last month (1 or 2 cms bigger). My midwife did not think that I was going to last until my due date (June 5). I honestly did not think so either- Paul came 3 days early and Peter 3 weeks. May came and all the birthdays with it, soon it was Joshua's birthday. As much as I would have liked the baby to be born on Joshua's birthday, I wanted the baby to have a birthday of their own. As May approached I was starting to feel very heavy and ready for the baby to come. Towards the end of May, I started to feel some contractions that were light and not very intense. This happened every once in awhile for some time. When I was being checked by the midwife, I was already dilated 3 cms. I wanted this baby to be born in June and God seemed to agree with me on this one. One day when we had just visited the midwife, I had learned that I was starting to lose water from the sack surrounding the baby. Now I know that does not mean labor right away, but soon I would be having this baby. Joshua wanted to take me out to eat and then we came home to let my mom go back to work (she was watching the boys while we were at the midwife's). At 3:00 pm, I started to have some consistent contractions, but nothing too serious. They gradually increased in pain and consistency as time went by. I was keeping the midwife up to date on how I was doing and trying to get some sleep that night, just in case if I had the baby. Joshua and my mom were making preparations just in case as well. We were going to have the baby in my parents room because I was going to have a water birth and the tub could fit in their bathroom and therefore keep the mess down. About 12:30 am the midwife started her way over to our house for the birth. I labored on the bed for awhile while they (Joshua and the midwife) got the tub ready. It started to get intense where I needed Joshua around 1:00 am. There was such a relief when I got in the tub, but it did not last long as it was almost time to have our baby. The water did not help for the last stages (but I don't think anything would help). Soon it was time to push and she came out at 2:52 am. I could not believe that I finally had my little girl. Joshua and I were so tired that we dosed alot when the midwife was checking Stella out. About 6:00 that morning, Joshua, Stella, and I slept after a long night. We were very blessed with a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl.
She couldn't be anymore perfect!!! What a beautiful blessing and I am so proud of you! I love the border on the blog now too. Very girly.
ReplyDeleteThanks for inviting me to come see your blog. I pray that she stay in the palm of God's hand!