Joshua and Amy: We are still getting ready for the new baby and constantly switching things around and organizing better (poor Joshua has all these project to do). I (Amy) am starting to feel the end of pregnancy pains and tiredness. I am doing well, just tired and lacking energy and it is very hard to get up from the floor. Joshua continues to be busy with the shop and also the many projects that I have planned for him. We are hoping that the baby will not plan on coming this weekend as Joshua's birthday is the 16th. We would not mind if the baby comes in May, but not until sometime next week (the baby will be 37 weeks by then). I continue to be amazed about how much time I have before the birth (only 25 more days!!!!!), but I am very excited about the new baby.
Paul and Peter: They love the warmer weather and being able to play outside. Paul is so cute, he tells me that he thinks its warm outside when he wants to go outside and that he wants to eat outside (something that we started this year with the boys). Last year Paul did not understand that during the summer he did not need a coat on to go outside, now he tells me that he does not need a jacket. Its funny what kids understand or how they think about different things. Peter is saying more words and is starting to communicate more to us. He also loves being able to be in a big boy's bed. I have not made any process with potty training Peter (though I am not in that much of a hurry). Peter is interested since Paul has been potty trained. The boys keep us very active and busy. We would appreciate your prayers on God's wisdom and guidance on raising our boys for Him.
Auntie Mar: She continues to be a BIG help for me especially since I am near the end and trying to be careful with what I lift and being tired. Auntie Mar often will take the boys out for a walk or to play outside and let me get things done that need to get done before the boys naps. She still cleans the house, cooks diner, helps me with the boys, and helps at the shop (yes, I know that I am spoiled). Auntie Mar goes to the shop during the boys naps and then she comes home in time to help me feed the boys dinner. We have been enjoying having Auntie Mar around to help fill in the gaps and help with different things around the house. We don't know what we would do without her help.
Grandpa and Grandma: I wish that you could hear Paul and Peter say the words Grandpa and Grandma. I will have to try to record it (it is so cute). It has been a great experience having my parents around and the boys getting to see their grandparents everyday. We have truly been blessed even with Joshua's parents that the boys are old enough to remember who they are and ask when they are going to come out and see us again. My parents love being grandparents and playing with the kids before and after work. The new thing that they do with the boys is keep lose change around and give it to the boys to put in their piggy banks. The boys love to put the change in and then show grandpa how it makes noise. My parents also love to bring home new toys for the boys and interact with them while they play with the new toys. Otherwise my parents are still busy with the shop.
Please continue to pray for us and our safety at the shop as we have had our shop broken into. We lost about 50 cell phones (all around $100 or less) and had to replace our glass door. We know that times are getting tough for everyone, so we pray that God will continue to protect us and provide for our every need. Thanks for all your prayers and staying in touch with us. God Bless.
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