Paul and Peter: they survived the stomach flue and hopefully will not have to go through that again. Both boys continue to be active and keep mommy busy. They have a fondness for going outside even when there is snow on the ground and playing until the get cold. Peter is saying more and more words and making the sounds of words. Its cute because he is starting to call Paul by his name.
Joshua and Amy: We have been busy enjoying our boys. Joshua is busy helping with improvements around the house (such as painting the baby's room, putting up ceiling fans, fixing the bathroom) and at the shop. We enjoy taking the boys to different places on his day off. I am busy with the boys, taking care of me and the baby, getting ready for the baby, and trying to finish some craft things before the baby comes. The baby is starting to kick which is always exciting and we are 90% sure that it is a girl, we are not going to have another ultrasound done. So we are planning as if we are going to have a girl, not really that it matters since we already have all the boys clothes that we need. Joshua and I are going to be going away for an early anniversary trip at the end of March to Indiana to visit some relatives and he will be going into Chicago to visit another violin maker and another cell phone shop. We are very excited about the trip and getting away together for the last time for awhile.
Bob and Marie: love being grandparents and spending time with the boys. On Fridays they have the day off and often will do something around the house and have the boys help. They also love to show the boys new things, such as going to Chuck E. Cheese and other fun places. Bob and Maire continue to be very busy at the shop as the business requires alot of attention. They are enjoying being able to let the techs run the shop on certain days giving them a much needed break. They love to play games, go yard saleing, and spending time with the boys when they come home at night.
Marlene: continues to be busy with the shop and boys. She is a big help to me in helping me take care of the boys. I don't think that I would get that much done without her being there to help take care of them. She also cleans the house and cooks all the meals, which again saves me time. Marlene loves to go to the shop and eat lunch with my mom and help out until the boys get up from their nap. She is still hearing from William everyday. The fiancee visa did not go through and she and William are deciding on what to do next. Please pray for her as she decided what God's will is concerning her and William.
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