July 22, 2009

Update On Pete,Pete

I know that it has been awhile since I updated on how Peter was doing. Not much has happened since that first doctor's appointment to get his ears cleaned. We got a referal to another doctor and to have a hearing test done. We wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong. Peter has been responding alot better. He seems to enjoy life better. He has more fun. Today we went to the doctor's not really knowing what to expect. We were not sure if we were going to have the hearing tests done. We dropped off Paul at the shop so that we could just focus on Peter. The doctor was really nice and he checked out Peter's ears, and throat. He said that everything looked fine and Peter's ears were clean. Then he ordered for us to do some hearing tests. Joshua went in for one of the test and he said that Peter responded to everything that was happening. We both went in on the next one and Peter did well on that one too! Then we had to wait awhile for the results to come back. The doctor told us that everything was fine and that Peter could hear perfectly. So the conclusion is that it was the ear wax build up that was causing Peter not to hear. We are going to keep a better eye on the signs that point to him not hearing and the ear wax build up. We are so thankful that it was nothing surious. We are so pleased. Thank you for all your prayers.


  1. Great news!!! I am enjoying all the pictures you have posted, thanks. Hello to your family for us.
    Love, Suzanne

  2. I am so glad to hear that everything is good with Peter. And thanks so much for all the updates and beautiful pictures. They are such a joy for me to be able to see you guys, especially the boys. I have been having a hard time keeping up with my blog because of the baby but I will get some done soon.
    Big Hugs


We are excited to hear from you. God bless.