Paul loves to play with cell phones. He is constantly taking my cell phone whenever I leave it. He puts it to his ear and "talks" into the phone. It is so cute seeing him do this. He loves to press buttons as well. Paul especially loves being at the shop where he can hold and play with the cell phones. He is our cute little mascott. Here are some movies of him playing with a cell phone.
July 29, 2009
Paul and Peter
July 27, 2009
Paul The Luthier
My Big Helpers
July 24, 2009
Bouncing With Tigger
My parents brought home these stuff animals of Tigger and Eeyore. The boys love them. Here are some cute pictures of them playing with them.

Paul and Peter,
Summer Time
My mom took the day off (or I should say the morning). She had a great time playing with the boys. She sure does enjoy them. Today she had them out in the front yard and was pushing them around on a scooter and a bike. My mom had gotten the scooter today from a yard sale. The boys had so much fun. Peter loved both of them! The boys are so different it is funny to watch them.
Paul and Peter,
July 22, 2009
Update On Pete,Pete
I know that it has been awhile since I updated on how Peter was doing. Not much has happened since that first doctor's appointment to get his ears cleaned. We got a referal to another doctor and to have a hearing test done. We wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong. Peter has been responding alot better. He seems to enjoy life better. He has more fun. Today we went to the doctor's not really knowing what to expect. We were not sure if we were going to have the hearing tests done. We dropped off Paul at the shop so that we could just focus on Peter. The doctor was really nice and he checked out Peter's ears, and throat. He said that everything looked fine and Peter's ears were clean. Then he ordered for us to do some hearing tests. Joshua went in for one of the test and he said that Peter responded to everything that was happening. We both went in on the next one and Peter did well on that one too! Then we had to wait awhile for the results to come back. The doctor told us that everything was fine and that Peter could hear perfectly. So the conclusion is that it was the ear wax build up that was causing Peter not to hear. We are going to keep a better eye on the signs that point to him not hearing and the ear wax build up. We are so thankful that it was nothing surious. We are so pleased. Thank you for all your prayers.
July 21, 2009
Hard At Play
Peter loves to play in our toy box. He especially loves it if you take out all the big toys so that he can play with the little ones. Lately he has been crawling into the toy box and sitting in there with all the toys. He has been so fun to watch. Paul has been doing this too. They have great times together.

Paul's Scarf
One of the times, during the winter months, I was suppose to go out with Joshua it ended up snowing and we did not go. Paul had alot of fun playing with my scarf and hat. He does not really like things on his head, but this time he did not seem to mind. Paul even went to sleep with them during his nap time.
Tub Fun
July 18, 2009
Outdoor Fun
Today was the end of a beautiful day. We all spent time outside in the cool air. The boys had so much fun playing outside with everyone. Here are some pics and movies.

All Of Us,
Our yard,
Paul and Peter,
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Today my parents gave Joshua the day off and we all went to The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. We have never been there before and were wanting to take the boys their for a long time. My parents bought us year passes and I am so excited about being able to take them there more. I was not sure if the boys were old enough though. The Zoo was have a special with teddy bears. They had a teddy bear clinic where they will check out your bear and fix it for you. The boys brought their bears, but they just got a certificate saying that their bears where in good health. The bears were still in good condition. When we fist entered, we stopped by the giraffes. It was so much fun! We got to feed the giraffes. Paul was not scared at all of the animals. Then we walked around before eating lunch. We let the boys play at the playground for alittle while before seeing what else was there. Then we needed to leave because it was passed the boys nap time. The boys had alot of fun and like to look at all the animals. Peter was even interested in them. We saw giraffes, elephants, monkeys, and ponies (Paul got to ride them for the first time). Here are some pictures and movies of our trip. Paul even got his face painted for the first time.
P.S. Before we even went to the Zoo my mom showed us this game where you can become a zoo keeper and even win a coupon to the zoo. Here is the link. Click on it and then click on play the Zoo Keeper Training game. Have fun!!!
P.S. Before we even went to the Zoo my mom showed us this game where you can become a zoo keeper and even win a coupon to the zoo. Here is the link. Click on it and then click on play the Zoo Keeper Training game. Have fun!!!
Amy and boys,
Blevins Family,
Joshua and boys,
Paul and Peter,
Fun Finds
My mom loves to go yard sales for the boys. The other day she brought home a chair and table set with an umbrella. They loved it. They played with it clear to bed time. I think Paul would have slept with it if I had let him :).

The New House
July 15, 2009
Fun With Grandma
Today was a beautiful day. Grandma had both of the boys outside in their bare feet. They all had fun sliding down the slide and being pushed in the car. Grandma pretended to run into people and chase them (those who were standing around). It was so cute to see Paul trying to push Peter in the car. He was actually able to do it. They had so much fun. It has been so nice out that we have been able to wear short sleeve shirts. It is beginning to feel alot like spring. Spring is Here!!!
Working In The Yard
My parents have been spending some time outside working in our yard. Since the weather has been very nice, they decided it is time to get ready for spring. Paul and Peter both love playing outside. They had so much fun with my parents. My dad is putting up a fence to run along side the house so that the boys can never be out of my sight. My dad had to dig new holes for the posts and Paul and Peter both loved playing in the holes. Here are some cute pictures.
One Year
Can you believe that it has been a year since we moved? I sure can't. So much has happend. I can't help but praise God for friends like you. The move would not have been possible without the help of all of you. We miss you so much and are praying for all of you. God has blessed us in so many ways. We know that we made the right choice in moving to Colorado (stress and all). We love it here and have been enjoying getting to know Colorado more and more. The boys love it here to and I think that we are finally getting over being sick. We love our new house and being able to go and see what Colorado has to offer. We love the park, hiking trails, and other places to walk around. I hope that you have enjoyed getting to see what our family is up to through this blog. I love taking pictures and putting these things on the blog. I love hearing from all of you. We miss you all. Thanks for being apart of our family. God bless each and everyone of you.
P.S. I have encluded some links of our journey here to Colorado for you to look at.
links of our journey:
my first post
loading up the trailers
day one of traveling
day two of traveling
day three of traveling
we made it
Ed Gordon's house
P.S. I have encluded some links of our journey here to Colorado for you to look at.
links of our journey:
my first post
loading up the trailers
day one of traveling
day two of traveling
day three of traveling
we made it
Ed Gordon's house
July 12, 2009
Paul's New Bed
My parents bought Paul a bunk bed for the boy's room. It is a nice looking bed, real sturdy. Yesterday we all went to Walmart and bought some sheets and comforters. They have airplanes on them :). Paul loved it when we brought in the mattress and I put the new sheets on. He loved to climb on it and jump on the bed. My dad and Joshua put up the bed last night. Paul loved climbing on the bed, but when we put he there to go to sleep he did not want to sleep there. He did sleep on his new bed during his nap. Here are some cute pictures of Paul and a movie.

Blevins Family,
The New House
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