We ended up not really doing much for Peter's birthday because we all got sick. I could not believe that we all got sick again! The morning was spend with my family eating breakfast together and playing with the presents that Peter got. Paul and Peter both loved the tent that my parents got. Paul especially loved all the toys, Peter was alittle too young to understand about birthdays yet. Joshua ended up taking Tuesday as well as Wednesday off because he was sick. It was nice spending time together as a family. Around dinner time, we all went to the shop because we were going to eat dinner with my mom, dad, and sister. It ended up that the shop was busy so we did not get to spend much time together. We took the boys home and put them to sleep. That was the extent of Peter's birthday. The boys were fussy and not up to much. On Saturday, we threw a small party for Peter and Miles (the Pastor's son). Miles is 3 days younger than Peter, only because Peter decided to come early. I remembered that their birthdays were close together and I wanted to throw them a party at the same time. We just had over the Pastors family (Parkers), us and another family from our church. I was very excited about the party, after all the first one is for the mom :). My mom suggested that we do a "duckie" party. It was alot of fun getting ready for it. The games we played were: a duck walk (cake walk), pin the duck on the pond, and guess how many duck eggs where in the jar. It was kind of hectic getting ready. Joshua and I went to one of the libraries around here to hear the Colorado Springs Philharmonic play. It had only four players, but they sounded pretty good. I also checked out some books for Paul. He loves to read. I came home and finished getting things ready. Soon everyone was home and helped get the food and other things ready. The party was alot of fun. The kids loved playing with the duck beach balls and rubber duckies. They also loved the games that we played. I took alot of pictures of the party. Peter was interested in his cupcake, he did not finish all of it. Miles liked his and ate it all up. Miles was walking around during the party. He was so happy about it. We had a great time for fun and fellowship. It was a great time to celebrate Peter's first birthday. I hope that you enjoy the pictures.
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