I use to (and still do) dream of the time when I have a little girl and can dress her up. Well, with having boys, I thought that I would never be able to do that. I was wrong. I went shopping the other day for clothes for the boys. I was able to find matching shirts and p.j.'s for the boys. Since Peter is 12 months it is easier to match them to Paul's clothes. They looked so cute matching. So now I can have my fun.
April 30, 2009
Who Says You Can't Have Fun...
With boys.
I use to (and still do) dream of the time when I have a little girl and can dress her up. Well, with having boys, I thought that I would never be able to do that. I was wrong. I went shopping the other day for clothes for the boys. I was able to find matching shirts and p.j.'s for the boys. Since Peter is 12 months it is easier to match them to Paul's clothes. They looked so cute matching. So now I can have my fun.
I use to (and still do) dream of the time when I have a little girl and can dress her up. Well, with having boys, I thought that I would never be able to do that. I was wrong. I went shopping the other day for clothes for the boys. I was able to find matching shirts and p.j.'s for the boys. Since Peter is 12 months it is easier to match them to Paul's clothes. They looked so cute matching. So now I can have my fun.
April 28, 2009
Update On Us
We are all doing better and so far no one else has gotten sick. We still are not sure of where or how we got sick. Joshua and I celebrated our 3rd year wedding anniversary. We actually got to go off together, alone!!! We had a wonderful time and it was very relaxing. Paul has been talking more and more lately. He said his first sentence yesterday. He said, "I ate food. All done." He also loves to say "No, no, Pete, Pete." I love hearing him say things. Peter is growing so fast. I believe that he will be walking by himself soon. He loves to walk along things instead of crawl. They are growing so fast and they keep mommy very busy. I am doing well, just trying my hardest to get things done that need to be done. My hip is doing alot better, but it still hurts me from time to time. Thank you for all your prayers. My sister is very helpful in my trying to do this. Marlene is busy helping me with the boys, cooking dinner, helping me clean, and running to the shop. She loves being an auntie and helping me take care of the boys and play with them. My mom and dad have been very busy with the shop. They go early and come home late. It is wearing on both of them (especially since they are not getting any younger). My mom is especially not use to this since it has been along time since she worked outside the home. Please continue to pray for her neck. She is not having alot of relief. Please also pray for the shop that God would provide for our needs. He has been faithful so far. Also pray for wisdom on how to run the shop. We have people coming thorough our door, but lately its been for warranty repairs. Joshua has been busy helping with the shop and trying to get the violin shop running (at least the rentals). Please pray that we would be able to rent our violins and that we can help support the business. Please pray that we would be able to find and have wisdom on finding the right employees for the shop. Please pray that we would be able to keep our health up (Joshua has taken alot of time off because we keep on getting sick). Well, I better go. That's all our news. Thanks for your prayers.
Homemade Laundry Detergent
Here is a recipe for homemade laundry detergent. My friend gave me the recipe and it works great!
Laundry Detergent (powder)
-1 to 2 bars Fels Naptha
-1 cup super washing soda
-1 cup Borax power
Blend in blender til mix well. Store air tight. 1 Tbsp. per load.
Joshua had alittle bit of a hard time getting it blended. Since all the ingredients are dry, he had to mix it by hand or shake it alittle. You can get the ingredients at Walmart and the grocery store. I love the fact that you only use a Tablespoon. What a great way to save money. Please ask if you have any questions.
Laundry Detergent (powder)
-1 to 2 bars Fels Naptha
-1 cup super washing soda
-1 cup Borax power
Blend in blender til mix well. Store air tight. 1 Tbsp. per load.
Joshua had alittle bit of a hard time getting it blended. Since all the ingredients are dry, he had to mix it by hand or shake it alittle. You can get the ingredients at Walmart and the grocery store. I love the fact that you only use a Tablespoon. What a great way to save money. Please ask if you have any questions.
April 25, 2009
This one will be short. Joshua and I ended up getting sick last night. Please pray that no one else will get sick and that we will get better soon. Also please pray for the shop as we are struggling to make ends meet. The Lord has always been faithful in providing for our needs. Thanks for your prayers.
Air Force Academy
Joshua and I went away over night for our anniversary. We both wanted to go back to the Air Force Academy. The last time that we went was with a family from church and we wanted to see more of the Academy. We looked around the visitor center (you should go by there if you are ever in Colorado Springs), it was really cool. Then we walked over to the chapel (about 1/3 mile walk). They had an awards ceremony going on there. It was really cool to see. They had a military marching band and they had all the cadets stand in formation. They even had a special guest, John Glen. We did not get to see him in person though. About half way through, we had to leave because I was getting hungry. We were going to walk back though because they were going to land a plane there in the grass. Joshua wanted to see that. We ended up taking too long and we missed it. There was not too much more to see, so we left to go driving around Colorado Springs.
Joshua and Amy,
The Academy
Glen Eyrie
The second part of our journey found us driving around looking for hiking spots. We never really did any hiking, but we saw some very pretty spots to hike. We did stop by a visitors center and had a great talk with the lady who volunteered there. Then we drove around looking at some of the castles in Colorado Springs. By that time we were ready to check into our room. The grounds were gorgeous. We could not believe that this was someones house. We were very excited about staying there. We checked in and headed to our room. The room was on the 3rd floor and we had to walk up 2 flights of stairs. The room was very well done. There are pictures of the rooms, castle, and grounds below. After awhile we were both hungry and went out to eat. Then we walked around looking into some of the stores. We were both very tired and were ready to head back. The next morning we woke up in time for the breakfast that they serve. It was nice because we had a late check-out time, so we did not have to hurry. We finished getting ready for the day and packed. Then we loaded everything into the car and looked around and in the castle. We then decided to go to Garden of the gods and eat lunch there. We also walked around there too. It was getting close to the time to go back home, so we looked around for a place near by to rest and relax. Then we went home. I sure did miss the boys. I also hope that you enjoy the pictures and movies of our trip. Don't forget to look at Glen Eyrie on-line.
April 24, 2009
As A Side Note
I just wanted to mention for anyone who is interested, I have included a blog list on the right side of my blog. This is to let you all know when the blogs (Blevins Family Zoo, Marlene's blog, and some of my favorite links) have been updated. I like this better because it will show you the latest title and when it was put on the blog. I also thought that it would be easier for you all to keep updated instead of flipping through blogs. I hope this helps and that you enjoy it.
P.S. All you have to do is click on the blog title or blog name to get to that blog (click on Blevins Family Zoo or Working In The Yard).
P.S. All you have to do is click on the blog title or blog name to get to that blog (click on Blevins Family Zoo or Working In The Yard).
Happy Anniversary, Daddy and Mommy!
It has been 3 years. I can't believe that it has been 3 years. You know what the coolest thing about being married and have God as the center of your marriage? Each and every day you fall more and more in love with the person that you married. I love Joshua so much more now than I did 3 years ago, and my love continues to grow for him. I can't believe I married such a incredible man. God has truely blessed me and my marriage. I think that this year has more of an impact on me because the other two years of our marriage where after we had two boys. Although they were special more focus was put on our sons than on the actual anniversary. This year Joshua and I were able to go away over night (our first time since we had both boys). We stayed at Glen Eyrie, one of the castles around here. If you want more information then click on Glen Eyrie. I would recommend looking at the website. The views they have there are wonderful. We had a wonderful time. Our first stop was the Air Force Academy. There we looked at the vistor's center and saw a military parade. Then we went looking around Colorado Springs (we don't have much time for just looking). The hotel that we stayed at was wonderful! I can't believe that it was someones house. The next morning we looked at the grounds and then went to Garden of the gods before heading home. I know that this is the condensed version, there will be more to follow (hopefully tomorrow). God has blessed us with our marriage and relationship with each other. It was great to have the time of just the two of us. I did miss the boys.
April 20, 2009
Reality Check
Today I was talking to my friend back in California. We were talking about the weather. Lately we have been having some cold weather. Alot of snow, hail, and rainy weather. Today and the rest of the week are going to be warm (in the 70's). I saw that California was having some hot weather, in the 90's. Anyway, I was telling my friend that it was beautiful today. The sun was out and it was warm (there was alittle of a cold breeze). I told here that I was in a short sleeve shirt and when I was driving this afternoon, I had the air conditioner on in the car. I could not remember what the temperature was, so I called up to my sister to see what the weather was like. She said it was 68 degrees. All of a sudden I started laughing, hard. It was probably warmer when I was out, but it was so funny that it was in the 60's or 70's when I had the air conditioner on. I would have never done that in California. It is so funny how quickly you get use to different climates. I don't miss California one bit. You can have all the heat of the summer. I hope this made you smile :).
April 19, 2009
Peter's First Birthday Party
We ended up not really doing much for Peter's birthday because we all got sick. I could not believe that we all got sick again! The morning was spend with my family eating breakfast together and playing with the presents that Peter got. Paul and Peter both loved the tent that my parents got. Paul especially loved all the toys, Peter was alittle too young to understand about birthdays yet. Joshua ended up taking Tuesday as well as Wednesday off because he was sick. It was nice spending time together as a family. Around dinner time, we all went to the shop because we were going to eat dinner with my mom, dad, and sister. It ended up that the shop was busy so we did not get to spend much time together. We took the boys home and put them to sleep. That was the extent of Peter's birthday. The boys were fussy and not up to much. On Saturday, we threw a small party for Peter and Miles (the Pastor's son). Miles is 3 days younger than Peter, only because Peter decided to come early. I remembered that their birthdays were close together and I wanted to throw them a party at the same time. We just had over the Pastors family (Parkers), us and another family from our church. I was very excited about the party, after all the first one is for the mom :). My mom suggested that we do a "duckie" party. It was alot of fun getting ready for it. The games we played were: a duck walk (cake walk), pin the duck on the pond, and guess how many duck eggs where in the jar. It was kind of hectic getting ready. Joshua and I went to one of the libraries around here to hear the Colorado Springs Philharmonic play. It had only four players, but they sounded pretty good. I also checked out some books for Paul. He loves to read. I came home and finished getting things ready. Soon everyone was home and helped get the food and other things ready. The party was alot of fun. The kids loved playing with the duck beach balls and rubber duckies. They also loved the games that we played. I took alot of pictures of the party. Peter was interested in his cupcake, he did not finish all of it. Miles liked his and ate it all up. Miles was walking around during the party. He was so happy about it. We had a great time for fun and fellowship. It was a great time to celebrate Peter's first birthday. I hope that you enjoy the pictures.
Hail Storm
April 15, 2009
Happy Birthday, Peter!
Happy Birthday, Peter! I can't believe that you turn one today. The year went by so fast. What a blessing you are to us. We can not imagine life without your smiles, laughter, and silliness. You are loved my son. You fill our lives with so many things. Its great seeing you explore your world. We pray for you everyday, that you might come to know God as your Savior at an early age. May God bless you today and always.
Mom and Dad
P.S. More pictures to follow of Peter's birthday and party.

Mom and Dad
P.S. More pictures to follow of Peter's birthday and party.
April 13, 2009
My Rose
Happy Easter
Our Easter week started out on Wednesday, I was trying to take some pictures of the boys in the matching shirts that I had bought them. Needless to say, it did not work out. Paul ended up getting some paint on his shirt (I was doing crafts at the time), and Peter was drooling and dirt stuck to his shirt. Oh well, we will try again later. On Saturday, one of the local churches put on an Easter Carnival. Joshua took the morning off to spend with the boys and me. We had alot of fun. The boys did an Easter egg hunt, then we did crafts and played some games. Paul also got to see some different animals as they had a petting zoo there. I was surprised that he was willing to touch them without much encouragement. He seems to really like it too (which makes sense since the only animals he has seen is a cat, dogs, and birds). It was a great outing and I was glad that we went, even though it was snowing and raining. It seems weird to think of it snowing during Easter, but it is very common (I am still trying to get use to the different seasons here). We also did Easter baskets that morning as well (who says that you are too old for Easter baskets? :)). Paul loved his (and everyone else) basket. Peter likes his too, but he is a little too young to get what Easter is about. On Saturday night, we dyed Easter Eggs as a family. The boys had alot of fun doing this with Grandpa and Grandma Steed and Auntie Mar. Peter loved to play with the eggs and grap at everything. Paul loved helping put the eggs in the dye. He would drop them from up high. Paul did not fully understand about being careful :). It was a great way to end the evening. We all slept well from all the activity. During the night it snowed. We were surprised to have it snow for Easter and not for Christmas, but it did and we still enjoyed it. We had an Easter banquet at our church, so we were all able to be together as a family. We were keeping the boys home from church to build up their immune system. I miss us not all going to church together, but I would like for the boys to be able to keep healthy. The banquet turned out great everyone did a great job. Joshua and I got the boys home for their naps, alittle late. They slept for awhile, but then were grumpy when they woke up. After they got up, we did family pictures. I love taking our own pictures. They turn out so much better. I also like having something for the boys to look back on. Family is so important and so special. Then we did our own family egg hunt. We do this every year (usually outside). This year we had to do it inside because of the snow. My mom hides money in the eggs and then we go and find them. Paul is really getting into Easter this year. He loves going and looking for eggs. He saw the eggs on the living room floor and he wanted to go and get them. That was the end of our Easter. The boys went to bed earlier because they were tired from all the activity and getting late naps. I hope that you all had a blessed Easter. We sure did.
April 9, 2009
Easter Blessings
He has risen! He has risen indeed!
We wanted to wish everyone a Blessed Easter. We pray that you would be blessed by God as you continue to grow in your relationship with Him. May God bless you today and always. Thank you God for sending Your son to come to this earth, die in our place, and raise Him up again that we may have eternal life with you. Thank you that we can have a personal relationship with You and partake in what You did for us. Thank you for loving us so much to do this for us, who deserve to die for our sins. Happy Easter everyone!
The Blevins and The Steeds
We wanted to wish everyone a Blessed Easter. We pray that you would be blessed by God as you continue to grow in your relationship with Him. May God bless you today and always. Thank you God for sending Your son to come to this earth, die in our place, and raise Him up again that we may have eternal life with you. Thank you that we can have a personal relationship with You and partake in what You did for us. Thank you for loving us so much to do this for us, who deserve to die for our sins. Happy Easter everyone!
The Blevins and The Steeds
April 8, 2009
April 5, 2009
Wrestling Match
Paul thinks that the way to interact with Peter is to knock him down and get on top of him. I try to talk to Paul about the "right" way to play with his brother. I know that they will do that later, but right now Peter is still too little (plus he does not like to be knocked over). Paul loves to be rough with Joshua, that's probably where he gets it from. It will be cute to see them do this more when Peter is alittle older (only if they don't hurt themselves :)).

Peter's First Cut
April 2, 2009
Update On Us
Hi everyone.
Its been awhile since I have updated you all. There has not been really anything new, we just have been extremely busy. The shop is keeping Joshua and my parents busy. The boys are keeping me very busy. Peter's first birthday is coming up and I am working on getting ready for it. It is very hard trying to get things ready with two little boys. I will take lots of pictures for you all to see. I am also getting (or have been) ready for Easter. I actually started in March (or was it February? :)). Anyways, we are all healthy and have not gotten sick lately. We have been having some snow storms come through, which make things interseting. We still have lots of snow on the ground. Well, that's about it. Thanks for praying for us and keeping in touch. I love to get your comments and see what you have to say.
P.S. Don't forget to check out my sister's blog.
Its been awhile since I have updated you all. There has not been really anything new, we just have been extremely busy. The shop is keeping Joshua and my parents busy. The boys are keeping me very busy. Peter's first birthday is coming up and I am working on getting ready for it. It is very hard trying to get things ready with two little boys. I will take lots of pictures for you all to see. I am also getting (or have been) ready for Easter. I actually started in March (or was it February? :)). Anyways, we are all healthy and have not gotten sick lately. We have been having some snow storms come through, which make things interseting. We still have lots of snow on the ground. Well, that's about it. Thanks for praying for us and keeping in touch. I love to get your comments and see what you have to say.
P.S. Don't forget to check out my sister's blog.
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