We have really enjoyed our new church. The people are very friendly and we have enjoyed building relationships with them. The pastor is very friendly and we feel that he has a heart for the Lord. We also feel that he preaches the Word and everything he talks about is biblically based. I wish you all could see Paul. He is having so much fun with kids his own age. The first time that we walked into the church he was like a magnet to all the kids. He could not believe all the kids there, he has never seen that many in his life! Paul loved being in the nursery and did well interacting with the kids. It was almost like he did not need me when he was around the other kids (of course we know that that is not true). It was cute to see him play, run, and even scream with all the others. By the time we arrived home, he was ready for his nap. Here are some pictures of the pastor and his family, the church building, and Paul playing with the other kids.

This is a picture of Pastor Parker and his family: Pastor Jason Parker, Monica (his wife), Kristen, Constance, Katie, Forrest, Lydia, and Miles.
This is the link to the church website that you can go and see. The name of the church is High Country Baptist. http://www.highcountrybaptist.org/. The church is currently meeting at a Charter School. The building is kept up nice and we meet in a big room, then slit off into some of the class rooms that they have there. They have the service in the morning, then they have what is called a seminar (its like a Sunday school class). We all come back at night for prayer time and fellowship. We all bring something to eat and fellowship after. We have had alot of fun getting to know everyone. On Wednesday, we go back to church for a prayer meeting. So we are very busy and enjoying every minute with the church.

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