August 31, 2008
The Boys
Our New Church

This is a picture of Pastor Parker and his family: Pastor Jason Parker, Monica (his wife), Kristen, Constance, Katie, Forrest, Lydia, and Miles.
This is the link to the church website that you can go and see. The name of the church is High Country Baptist. The church is currently meeting at a Charter School. The building is kept up nice and we meet in a big room, then slit off into some of the class rooms that they have there. They have the service in the morning, then they have what is called a seminar (its like a Sunday school class). We all come back at night for prayer time and fellowship. We all bring something to eat and fellowship after. We have had alot of fun getting to know everyone. On Wednesday, we go back to church for a prayer meeting. So we are very busy and enjoying every minute with the church.
August 30, 2008
Update On The Shop
August 28, 2008
God Bless Our Troops

August 26, 2008
My Son's Blankets
August 25, 2008
Peter Rolls Over
August 23, 2008
Paul Gets The Mail
My Family
August 16, 2008
Paul Eats Breakfast
New Shop Ornament
August 15, 2008
Daddy and Paul
God Is Good!!!!
The New Shop
This picture is outside of the CPR side of the shop. This is the only door leading into the building.
This is the violin side of the shop. The lettering was just put up today. I know the picture is not very good. The top part says Violas, Violins, and Cellos. The bottom picture is of the name of the shop.
These are the signs that are advertising for the shop outside. They were also just put up today. These are the signs that everyone will be able to see.
This is the CPR side of the shop. My dad and Joshua built these walls and they turned out really great. We are very pleased with it.
And no opening would be complete without my mom's famous cookies. You don't believe me, ask the guys who are helping us open up and training.
The guy in the picture is Jason. He works at a shop in Chicago and is here for 4 weeks to train us.
This is the waiting room and the wall inbetween the two show rooms. The next picture is of the violin shop.
This is of the work area for Joshua when he gets into his repair work. He can't wait to get back into his violin work.
This is the work area for the CPR shop and also our office.
We also have an area set up so that the boys and I can come and visit once in awhile. The room is also set up as an eating room and a resting area. As you can see all the toys we have set out for Paul to play with.
This is the temporary sign for the door leading into the cell phone store and the sign that we had made for the outside sidewalk.
Here are some cute pictures of Paul. He was watching the big machine that was putting up our signs.