May 27, 2009

Update On Us

We have been so blessed. Times have been tough, but we have been blessed in God providing for our needs and having each other. We are still very busy at the shop. Our two worker, Jeff and Jeff, are not working for us any more. They are planning on going to Ukraine with their families for the summer. Please pray for them, as well as us finding another worker that can take their place. Especially someone that we can trust. It is going to be hard until we find someone, but we know that we can run the shop without help. Please pray for us to have strength and not to over work ourselves. We have someone moving in next to us, after it being vacant since we moved in. The couple is nice, but it is still weird having someone in the house. My sister has been busy helping me with the boys and running errands and going to the shop. I don't know what I would do without her. Especially these last few days. The boys decided to get sick again. Peter started us out with a high fever and being very lethargic. Then he started to get better the next day. Paul decided to follow his example. At first I thought that Paul would not be getting sick, but in the morning he was sick. He was very lethargic, fever, throwing up, and very sleepy to the point of passing out. My mom and I took him to the doctor and we started him on some natural medicine. Paul is doing alot better today. See nothing happens around here :). I am hoping that I don't get sick, or the rest of us. I am very tired and not feeling good from taking care of the boys. Otherwise we are all doing fine. Thank you for all your prayers. We miss each and everyone of you.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the boys are doing better.
    It is not fun when your little one is
    not feeling well! You have had a lot
    of that this winter.
    Pray summer will be easier on them (& you)!
    Love, Suzanne


We are excited to hear from you. God bless.