October 28, 2011

Fay Is Home!!!!

We were able to bring Fay home on oxygen. We don't know how long she will be on oxygen for, but we hope that it won't be for too long. We are very thankful for all the blessings that we have received and for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for complete health for Fay and that this won't happen again. Again we are very thankful for all your prayers. Photobucket

October 27, 2011

Fay Update

I thought that I would get the first update out quicker than I did, here is what happened today. Fay is doing much better. Her color looks great. She did run a fever last night, but it went down today. She has remained steady in the 90's for her oxygen levels and her pulse is going down. When I (Amy) went to the hospital for the second and last time for the day, Fay broke out in a rash that the nurse said was Roseola. The rash basically means that she is done with her fever, but she could be contagious to Stella. The nurse said that if Fay's oxygen levels stay where they are at and if she does not run a fever, then she will come home. So we are praying that that will happen. We are willing to take care of her even if she comes home on oxygen. I just talked to Joshua for the night and Fay has gained weight. She is now up to 11 lbs. 13 ozs. Joshua has been feeding her every hour to half hour to make sure she is getting enough. We are so thankful for all of God's blessings. We will let you know if she comes home tomorrow. Stella is a little fussy like she is fighting something, but otherwise the rest of the kids are fine. ..................................................................................................... Here's a quick update on Fay and us: At the beginning of this week Fay started running a really high fever. She has been coughing slightly with all the other kids being sick. Fay's temperature was about 101 degrees. We did everything we could to lower her temperature and nothing was making that big of a difference. So we decided to take Fay into the doctors just to make sure that she was okay. We got into the room and the nurse took her temperature and other things relating to that. The doctor came in and said that she did not like Fay's oxygen level and that we needed to give her oxygen and take her to the emergency room. So we stopped by the house to pick up some things and went to the hospital near by. Fay was hooked up to an iv and everything else. We were very emotional and this time and it was hard to see her go through all these things. The doctors did many tests on Fay to see what could be causing this. I (Amy) had to go home to see what was happening at home and to do a few things. They had move Joshua and Fay to the pediatrics ward. Fay did not test positive for rsv or influenza. We are very thankful for that. She is still on oxygen and Joshua will be staying in the hospital overnight with the hopes of coming home today. Grandpa Bill (Joshua's dad) has been a big help in staying with Joshua in the day and night so that I (Amy) can take care of the other kids. My mom and sister have been a BIG help in watching the kids so that I (Amy) can be with Joshua and Fay some of the time. Photobucket

October 14, 2011

Little Blog Break

We are fighting some sickness right now so I will be taking a small break. I hope to come back sometime early next month. God bless you all.Photobucket

October 8, 2011

What A Beautiful Weekend......

covered in SNOW!!!!! Sorry the pictures aren't that great. There was alot of water on the windows.


School Time

We started preschool with Paul and Peter this September. Both boys love doing school and usually ask if we are doing to do school today. They are so much fun to teach and are learning so fast!


Our Children


October 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grandma Marie!!!

Tomorrow is Grandma Marie's birthday. We are very blessed to be living with my parents as they are a big help and the kids love them! Grandma is always fun to play with and available for a hug or a lap. She picks up the slack for when mommy is busy. Happy Birthday mom and Grandma. May God bless you today and with many more years to come.