May 2, 2009

Please Pray For Our Country and President

A friend of ours sent us an email the other day. It was about live abortions. I don't know if you know anything about these, but it is truly heart breaking. I can't even think about it without crying. Basically what they do is if the baby lives through the abortion, inside the mom, they induce labor. Then they are taken to a room that has dirty linens and waste in there, and are left to die. President Obama has allowed this to happen, when so many people were for saving the babies. Please pray for our country. I can't believe that we allowed it to come this far, what are we thinking!!! God have mercy on our souls and our nation. Please pass this movie on and let others know what is happening.


  1. Man! Even though I know that most of the babies are probably a lot younger than the one shown in the last picture, how can it not rip a persons heart right out of their throat? If anyone tries to tell me that these babies aren't human I just let them know that if I bend over too far or lay in a wrong way, this little attitude in my being will give me a good kick and let me know just how human it is and it has been doing this since at least 4 months. How can a mother feel this and her heart turn so cold against it? I know that you agree and I want to thank you for putting this video out.
    Big Hugs to you and your boys (all three of them lol),

  2. Thank you for the Obama video. What is this world coming to, we are looking more like Sodom and Gamorah. Partial birth abortion is another abomination.


We are excited to hear from you. God bless.