July 27, 2010

Auntie Mindy

My friend Mindy came out to see me over the weekend. We had a great time and the boys enjoyed her. Its been 2 years since I last saw her as she helped clean up our house in Riverside and we said good-bye there as we were heading off to Colorado. We had so much fun showing her around. We went to Garden of the gods, the Air Force Academy, and just hung around the house so that she could play with the kids. It was hard to say good-bye to her again as she left to go back home, but hopefully she will be able to come and visit us again.


Auntie Mar and Kids


July 24, 2010


My dad bought permits for us to get wood from one of the forest around here. We love to be able to have a fire in our fireplace during the winter. My dad and Joshua woke up early to get a good start so that they could come back and go to work. They were both sore after the first day. The boys loved to watch them unpack the wood and even helped carry the wood in their dump trucks. They love to help with different things. Here are some pictures and movies that I took.


Calla Lilies

Every year I try to buy my mom calla lilies, they only come out for Easter in the stores. My grandparents had calla lilies in their front yard and that was one thing that we could not take with us when we moved to Colorado. I know how much it means to my mom, so I try to do this for her. We planted them in the front yard and they came up this summer. They are so beautiful.


July 21, 2010



July 20, 2010

Bath Time


July 13, 2010


Another yard sale find. My parents brought these home for the boys (that includes Joshua :)). Paul and Peter had fun learning how to use them. It was sure cute to see Paul trying to jump on the pad to make the rocket go.


Family Day

My parents decided to take Monday off for the 4th. It is always nice to have them take time off because we are all very busy with the shop and life. We all decided to go to the zoo. Joshua and I decided to renew our passes to the zoo because the boys love it there so much. We all had a great time and Stella was a great baby.


July 6, 2010

Our Fourth of July

Our fourth of July started with us getting ready to go to church. We had a nice service, in which Stella slept the whole time. Then we headed home and made lunch and ate together as a family. We were all super tired and decided to take naps. After getting up, we all headed out the door to a picnic that our church was having. It was really nice to get to talk to more people and get to know them. The boys had fun playing ball and football and bubbles. The weather was not too hot and it cooled off when the sun was going down. We stayed for a couple of hours and then went back home and the boys were able to play out in the front. They sure did go to bed good for all the exercise they got. We did not go and see the fireworks that night (when you become a parent going to be at a good time sounds great :)). We hope you all had a great 4th of July.
P.S. The dessert I made for us to have after lunch. It turned out great and was easy to make.




July 3, 2010


Paul can be very silly at times. And here is one of them.


Stella's First Concert

My mom put her in her bouncer and put on some classical music for babies. Stella really liked the music.
