April 26, 2010
Happy Birthday, Grandpa Bill
Today is Grandpa Bill's birthday. We wish that we could help you celebrate your birthday Grandpa Bill, but we also wanted you to know that we miss and love you. We sure did have a wonderful time with you when you came out. The boys are asking when you are going to come and see them again. They enjoyed getting to play with you. Come and see us again soon.

Blevins Family,
Paul and Peter,
Snow Storms
The other day we were hit by a pretty big snow storm, about 2 inches. We were all thinking that we were done with snow for the winter, but we ended up getting snow again. The nice thing was that it was a wet snow and when it was done and melting the snow watered the grass and made everything so green and pretty. We have been getting little snow storms since, but the good thing is is that it will soon be gone for good.

April 22, 2010
Mommy & Daddy's 4th Anniversary
Today is Joshua and mine 4th anniversary. We did not plan on going away as we already had a small trip that the two of us took when we went to Chicago. On Tuesday, Joshua and I had the opportunity to go out to eat together as our midwife appointment got canceled (she had a birth to go to). We decided to go out to eat at one of Joshua's favorite restaurant, The Airplane Restaurant (formally known as Solo's). We had a wonderful time together just the two of us. We don't get to spend much time together alone with having kids. Sorry I don't have any pictures. Today was my day to go into the shop and I did go for alittle while. I have been tired lately as I am nearing the end of my pregnancy. It sure does make it hard to do things and get things done. I helped awhile in the shop and it was nice to be near Joshua even though he was busy. Then I came home and took care of the boys. Joshua and I got to spend alittle more time together when he got home from work. I can't believe that it has been 4 years since we were married. How fast time flies. Some many memories. God has surly blessed us.
April 20, 2010
Day Two with Grandpa Bill
The second day was Sunday and we went to church with Grandpa Bill. The boys loved having Grandpa Bill there with them. After church our Sunday School class went out to eat at a restaurant. The boys behaved well and loved to interact with every one there. They were one of the youngest kids there. Soon it was time to take the kids home and put them to bed. After their naps we were going to take Grandpa Bill to Garden of the gods to look at the rocks, so I had to prepare ahead of time for that. My parents and sister went with us to Garden of the gods and being a weekend the place was very crowded. We had to walk to get to the main place to walk around. We had brought the stroller, but the boys enjoyed walking and running around more than riding. We got some great pictures of us all and of the rocks. I let Grandpa Bill take pictures of the rocks that he wanted and then burned them on a c.d. for him. The wind was beginning to blow and it was getting colder, so we decided to go home and make dinner. We had a yummy dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches and french fries. Soon it was time to put the boys to bed. Grandpa Bill left after breakfast the next day. The boys were very sad to see him go and they keep asking when he will come back to see them.
All Of Us,
Blevins Family,
Paul and Peter,
Day One with Grandpa Bill
The boys have been talking about Grandpa Bill coming out and have been asking me when he was going to arrive. Grandpa Bill arrived late the night before and the boys were excited to see him in the morning. We ate breakfast, then the boys did aerobics with Grandpa Bill and Gamma Marie. Grandpa had a good time with the boys, but he did tire fast. Then it was time to get the legos out and build things. Joshua had alot of fun talking and seeing his dad again. The boys learned how to build a tower and then had fun knocking it down. I made sure that I took alot of pictures of them all. Joshua and I wanted Grandpa Bill to hear the boys play the violin, so that's what we did next. The boys love to play the violin and Grandpa Bill enjoyed hearing them play. The day was nice and we all went outside to play with the wagon and tractor that Grandpa and Grandma Blevins sent the boys. Joshua and his dad pushed and pulled the boys around the yard for quite a while. Then it was time to eat lunch and go take naps. While they were napping, we all started to get ready for Peter's birthday. After the party, we made a nice dinner and surprised Grandpa Bill with a nice birthday dinner, presents, and upside down pineapple cake. Then Grandpa Bill read to the boys before they went to sleep. It was nice to have Joshua's dad here for Peter's birthday.
Joshua and boys,
Our yard,
Paul and Peter,
April 17, 2010
Grandpa Bill's Birthday Party
We surprised Grandpa Bill by planning a small birthday party for him since he was coming out. His birthday is on April 26 and we thought that it would be more fun to celebrate with him then to send his presents to him. So after Peter's birthday we made a nice dinner and gave him his presents. He enjoyed all his presents and was very surprised. I had made a pineapple upside down cake for him too and we sang happy birthday to Grandpa Bill. It was a very nice ending to a very nice day.

Blevins Family,
Paul and Peter,
Peter's 2nd Birthday
My parents had gotten the boys some Jay Jay the Jet Plane movies to watch on the computer for Peter's birthday. They are a cute series of airplanes that talk and learn lessons along the way. The thing that I like the most is that they are a Christian series. After watching one movie with them, my mom helped me get my day ready and hang up some things that were waiting to be hung up. The boys have alittle bit of a runny nose so I did not want to take them out much, the wind was alittle cold as well. My sister and I did take them for a walk. Then the boys played and watched Jay Jay some more before going to bed. My sister stayed home until we all left for the shop. She made a special meal of grilled cheese sandwiches and french fries for Peter's birthday. When the boys got up, we all headed for the shop. The boys were so excited about going and seeing gamma, gampa, and daddy at the shop. We ate as soon as we got there and the boys loved watching animal videos on the computer. The boys loved to play with the cellphones, the toys that are in the front of the shop, and with everyone at the shop. Joshua got to come home early with the boys and I. The boys love it when Joshua comes home early to play with them. They had a great time together playing with the hot wheels cars. We had a wonderful day celebrating Peter's 2nd birthday. God has truly blessed us with our boys. I know that these are not birthday party pictures, but they are picture that I took on his birthday and I think that they are so cute.
All Of Us,
The New Shop
April 15, 2010
Happy Birthday, Peter!
Today is Peter's birthday. I can't believe that my baby is 2. He is no longer going to be the baby of the family with this new little one coming. It seems like time has just past us by and my kids are growing up so fast, learning so many different things. I have learned so many different things from my kids. Peter has been such a blessing to my life and I can't imagine having him around to cuddle and read to. Happy Birthday, Peter Allen. I am so glad that you are my son.
April 12, 2010
Peter's Birthday Party
Today was a very busy day as we had to get ready for the party and Grandpa Bill was here. I started out the day by decorating the cake. I think it turned out very cute, very zoo like. We played with Grandpa Bill until it was time to put the boys down for a nap. Then we all got the house ready for the party. We put table clothes on the table and put sand buckets on the table with the cake. We filled the buckets with animal crackers, pretzels, apple slices, cheese and crackers. Joshua helped me hang streamer from the ceiling and we blew up balloons. Joshua's dad drew animal prints and designs on the balloons. With everyone helping we finished in no time. We even hung glow in the dark lanterns from the ceiling. Joshua and I had invited two families from church over with young kids, so that we could get to know them better. Soon it was time for the families to come and we started the party with two games- feed the lion (bean bag toss) and animal musical chairs. The kids had alot of fun. I had painted picture frames to give the kids and bought animal masks for them to wear, so after the games I took the kids pictures. Then we all ate snacks and visited. It was a nice time to get to know everyone. After that we played two more games- pin the tail on the zebra and ring the giraffe (ring toss game). The kids had so much fun with the games. Then it was time to eat cake. Peter looked so cute next to his cake and trying to blow out the candle. We visited alittle longer and then everyone left to get ready for Sunday. We had such a great time and are so glad that we had a birthday party for Peter. I can't believe that he is going to be 2 years old.
All Of Us,
Blevins Family,
Getting Ready For Grandpa Bill
We were so excited about Grandpa Bill coming. Paul would ask everyday if this was the day that Grandpa Bill was coming. The day that Grandpa Bill was suppose to arrive, I had the boys make a welcome sign to hang in the room that Grandpa Bill would be staying in. I hung it in the room after the boys finished coloring on it. The boys loved being able to color this for Grandpa Bill.
Blevins Family,
Paul and Peter,
A Surprise Visit
Okay, so it was not a total surprise. Joshua's dad was helping out a relative in Utah and decide to drive up to see us and be here to help us celebrate Peter's birthday. Since he was going to be up here we thought that we would celebrate his birthday as well. It was nice to have Grandpa Bill with us for a few days.
Blevins Family,
Paul and Peter,
April 9, 2010
Paul and Peter
The weather has been warming up and spring is on its way. We are hoping that the snow will go away for the time being. The boys love to go outside and play and I am happy to let them knowing that they will be tired out from all the exercise. Here is a cute movie and picture of the boys at play.
Our yard,
Paul and Peter,
Sleeping Peter
I love to go into the boys' room after they have gone to sleep for the night. They look so cute just laying there. Peter loves to cuddle things and have things on his head as he goes to sleep. When I went in there one night, I thought he looked so cute that I could not help but take a picture of him.

April 5, 2010
Our Easter
Saturday started off with us having an nice family breakfast together. Then we cleaned the kitchen before opening our Easter baskets (yes, even we adults get Easter baskets). The boys loved what we gave them and loved looking at what everyone else got as well. They had so much fun playing with their new things. We wanted to take pictures of the boys for Easter, but they were both fussy. We did our best and it helps when Joshua makes funny faces and sounds. We did get some good shots though. Joshua took them outside so that I could get caught up on a few things and my parents and sister went out yard saleing for awhile. The boys love to be able to go outside and play. It started to get cold outside, so Joshua brought the boys in and we fed them lunch. Joshua and I decided to dye Easter eggs with the boys before their naps. My parents were home then and Joshua helped Paul and my dad helped Peter. The boys loved dying eggs. It seems like each year is a new adventure where they can do more and more things themselves. Before I know it the boys will be able to do this all by themselves and won't need our help anymore. The boys took good naps and we decided to give them baths before our company came over. My mom hid eggs around the house for the boys to find when they came down from their baths. The boys really enjoyed that. We have been doing piggy banks with them during the night and when they saw the coins in the eggs they were very excited. Paul and Peter both love to put the money in their banks. We invited over a couple from church so that we could get to know them better. My mom loves playing games and so do they, we had a wonderful time and it was great to get to know them better.
Joshua was going to be playing in the orchestra at church on Sunday, so he had to leave early. My family helped me with the boys, who were alittle on the fussy side. They still are having little symptoms of the flu. We made it to church and we had a nice service. I ended up taking the boys home after the service and feeding them lunch. Soon after they went to sleep. My mom's favorite thing to say is "life is short eat dessert first." So we all ate cake while she was making the Easter lunch/dinner. After it was made, we ate at the dinning room table just relaxing. It was nice because we did not have the interruption of the boys. We did not have an evening service so we just stayed home and relaxed. After the boys woke up, we went for a walk and then they played outside, while I continued to get things done. Yes I am nesting already :). We had a wonderful Easter just relaxing and spending time as a family. We hope that you all had a wonderful Easter as well.

Joshua was going to be playing in the orchestra at church on Sunday, so he had to leave early. My family helped me with the boys, who were alittle on the fussy side. They still are having little symptoms of the flu. We made it to church and we had a nice service. I ended up taking the boys home after the service and feeding them lunch. Soon after they went to sleep. My mom's favorite thing to say is "life is short eat dessert first." So we all ate cake while she was making the Easter lunch/dinner. After it was made, we ate at the dinning room table just relaxing. It was nice because we did not have the interruption of the boys. We did not have an evening service so we just stayed home and relaxed. After the boys woke up, we went for a walk and then they played outside, while I continued to get things done. Yes I am nesting already :). We had a wonderful Easter just relaxing and spending time as a family. We hope that you all had a wonderful Easter as well.
Easter Egg Hunt
My mom hid Easter Eggs around the house while Joshua and I were bathing the boys, then when we went downstairs the boys were able to hunt the eggs. They loved running around the house and finding the eggs.

Joshua and boys,
Paul and Peter,
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