March 30, 2010
Navy Pier
I have been checking the weather before we went and the only nice day was Tuesday, all the other days were suppose to get rain. So I talked to Joshua about us going around sight seeing and spending time together for our anniversary. We decided to go to the Indiana Sand Dunes and Navy Pier (in Chicago). I have pictures of the dunes, but you are going to have to wait until I get them developed. I used a cheap camera so that I did not ruin my good camera. We were one of the only ones at the dunes which made it nice. We walked along the beach and enjoyed each others company. Then we headed towards Chicago. The pier was nice and we had a great time walking around. We went into some of the shops and even rode the Ferris wheel they have there. They also had alot of stain glass out for show and had some beautiful pieces. It was a nice, relaxing time and the weather could not have been more perfect. It was warm with a light breeze, and the sun was shining. We did not really enjoy Chicago because of all the traffic and how busy it was. Soon it was time to eat and we decided to eat at California Pizza Kitchen. The traffic was so crazy and you had to pay for parking to go anywhere. We finally made it and enjoyed a nice dinner. Then we headed back to the house.
Our Trip
We started our trip on Monday by getting up early, packing, and driving out to the airport. It was a hard time for me emotionally leaving the boys. The first time I have left them for 5 days. We eventually got to the airport parked the car and took a shuttle to the airport. Arriving early, we walked around the airport before going over to our gate and sitting down. I have not been on an airplane since I was pregnant with Paul, but was very excited about taking this trip with Joshua. When we got to Chicago, we were both tired and ready to get to Indiana where we would be staying with relatives. Soon after getting our bags and finding our rental car, we headed out in traffic with our car. It took us awhile to get to Indiana and then we had to stop by a store and buy some food to eat while we were there. Finally we made it and got settled in. Jay and Ann, my cousins, wanted to take us out to eat for dinner and we enjoyed visiting with them. Then we were more than ready to get to bed.

Joshua and I with our cousins Jay and Ann Nichols
Joshua and I with our cousins Jay and Ann Nichols
March 27, 2010
We're Back
March 17, 2010
Update On Us
Things have been very busy around here, or so it seems. The warmer weather has us going outside alot more and doing more things. Here is what we are up to:
Paul and Peter: they love to go outside and play. Their new found joy is to go outside and eat lunch on a blanket. I can't wait for it to stay warm so that we can spend even more time outside. Paul is potty trained for the most part, and I have been enjoying not having to wash as many diapers and the freedom that is involved in having him potty trained. He does still wear diapers for naps and at bedtime. Peter is trying to talk more and more and loves to be held and cuddled. They both enjoy playing with each other and spending time doing things alone.
Joshua and Amy: Joshua and I will be leaving on Monday to go to Indiana until Friday. This is an early anniversary trip for us and my mom and sister will be watching the boys. Joshua is also going to be visiting the other CPR store in Chicago as well as Michael Darton (a fellow violin maker). We are going to spend a day together going around looking at some of the sites and also have the nights to spend together. I don't know how much blogging I am going to be doing, so you might have to wait until the week after.
Bob and Marie: they are still busy at the shop, but love it when we stop by the shop to surprise them. I think that my mom misses the boys alot and would love to spend more time with them. When they get home at night, the boys go wild and love to play with grandpa and grandma. I am looking forward to the warmer weather when we all can go to the park or hiking as a family.
Marlene: She is busy with helping me and going to the shop. I have been trying to do more things by myself so that I can get use to the idea, especially when the baby comes. I know that my mom and sister will be willing to help me out if I need it. She and William are still trying to decide what to do, they don't know if they will get the fiancee visa still. Please pray for them as they try to find out God's will for their future.
Paul and Peter: they love to go outside and play. Their new found joy is to go outside and eat lunch on a blanket. I can't wait for it to stay warm so that we can spend even more time outside. Paul is potty trained for the most part, and I have been enjoying not having to wash as many diapers and the freedom that is involved in having him potty trained. He does still wear diapers for naps and at bedtime. Peter is trying to talk more and more and loves to be held and cuddled. They both enjoy playing with each other and spending time doing things alone.
Joshua and Amy: Joshua and I will be leaving on Monday to go to Indiana until Friday. This is an early anniversary trip for us and my mom and sister will be watching the boys. Joshua is also going to be visiting the other CPR store in Chicago as well as Michael Darton (a fellow violin maker). We are going to spend a day together going around looking at some of the sites and also have the nights to spend together. I don't know how much blogging I am going to be doing, so you might have to wait until the week after.
Bob and Marie: they are still busy at the shop, but love it when we stop by the shop to surprise them. I think that my mom misses the boys alot and would love to spend more time with them. When they get home at night, the boys go wild and love to play with grandpa and grandma. I am looking forward to the warmer weather when we all can go to the park or hiking as a family.
Marlene: She is busy with helping me and going to the shop. I have been trying to do more things by myself so that I can get use to the idea, especially when the baby comes. I know that my mom and sister will be willing to help me out if I need it. She and William are still trying to decide what to do, they don't know if they will get the fiancee visa still. Please pray for them as they try to find out God's will for their future.
Paul and Peter
The weather has been SO nice here lately, in the 60's. Joshua and I decided to take the boys to the zoo yesterday, we have not been for a long time do to sickness and bad weather. I am so glad that spring is around the corner. The warm weather reminds me that winter will soon be over (although I am not holding my breath as it is suppose to snow on Friday). The boys loved being outside and walking around the zoo. For Easter I had bought the boys shirts, hats, and small stuffed animals from the zoo, I gave them the things yesterday so that they could enjoy them and bring them to the zoo. They sure did look cute. Here are some pictures of my boys.

Joshua and boys,
Paul and Peter,
March 13, 2010
28 Weeks
Time is passing so quickly around here. Joshua and I painted the nursery for the baby and I have been running around crazy trying to take care of things before the baby comes. The baby is kicking more and more. We are 90% sure that it is a girl, we won't be having any more ultrasounds done. Boy or girl we will still love this baby. I feel like I am getting bigger and bigger, its probably just me though. I am nearing my last trimester. I am so excited!!!!
More Airplanes
Today was another beautiful day, before more snow comes. Joshua and I decided to take the boys to the airport and let them walk around and see the airplanes. The boys had alot of fun looking at the airplanes and playing in the sand. Paul was trying to follow the airplanes as they flew in the sky :). Then we went to the hangers and saw more airplanes. Joshua like to check on the price of flying whenever we go by airports. I know that he would love to get back into flying, I just wish that it was not so expensive. We had a great day at the airport as a family.

Blevins Family,
Joshua and boys,
Paul and Peter,
March 10, 2010
Playing Outside With Daddy
The boys have been enjoying playing outside, but now it is time for snow showers again. I have been letting them out whenever I can, I can't wait until end of spring beginning of summer to let them play outside. I feel bad for the boys, they love being outside and sometimes they have to feel trapped. It is now snowing hard and we are suppose to have up to 1 inch of snow maybe more. Here are some pictures of Daddy playing with the boys.

Joshua and boys,
Paul and Peter,
Boys Dancing
We often will put music on for the boys to dance to. This not only gives them exercise, but also helps them calm down for mommy (especially when they are hyper). The boys love to play outside, but with the colder weather they have had to stay inside. The music and dancing helps them stay active even during the winter.
The other day, grandma got a great idea about taking the boys outside and making wooden airplanes with them. The boys love tools and were very excited about making the airplanes. They played with them outside and had a great time.

Our yard,
Paul and Peter,
March 4, 2010
What A Beautiful Day
We have been having some beautiful weather, a sure sign that spring is coming and that winter will not last forever. The boys have been going crazy being in the house for 2 weeks that they were just itching to get out of the house. I have been taking them for a walk and letting them play in the front yard. We still have snow in the back and the sun shines more in the front. They love to be outside and I can't wait to have them play outside more and more as spring arrives.

Our yard,
Paul and Peter,
March 3, 2010
Praise God!
We are finally getting better. After two weeks of having the stomach flue, with all the stuff that goes with it, I am happy to say that we are over it. We eventually had to call our doctor from California and ask her if there is anything else that could be done for them. She said that by the sound of their symptoms that they had an infection in their colon. So I ran out and got some special medicine and started them on it. The medicine worked really fast. I also had to put them on a special diet, which they don't really care for. They have not thrown up for about 2 days now, and are very active. Thank you all who knew and were praying for my boys.
God's Goodness,
prayers requests,
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