January 31, 2009
Special Friends, Special Celebrations
Today we had two friends over to help us celebrate: Paul's birthday, Grandpa and Grandma's anniversary, and my birthday. Ed and Stan came over for dinner. We had a great time of fellowship together. Here are some pictures and movies from our time together.

January 29, 2009
Happy Birthday, Mommy!
Okay, this feels really weird writing about your own birthday. Today I turned 24. Since Paul's birthday is so close to mine, I felt like we should celebrate Paul's birthday and just spend time as a family for mine. I have been getting presents the last couple of days (we usually get too excited to wait). I feel very blessed being able to spend another year with my family. This morning I got up with Peter so Joshua could sleep in. We had another hard night with Peter waking up every hour because of teething. My parents and sister bought special plates and napkins for my birthday and made me my favorite cake. My dad was going to make waffles for breakfast. After Joshua came down, my mom lit the candles and they all sang "happy birthday" because my mom did not want to miss out on it (they were going to be at the shop). I even got to eat the cake. Paul and Peter liked it too! It was great being able to spend time together as a family. Joshua came home today after the boys naps and we spent some time together as a family. We ended up running a few errands,then my sister called and said that Joshua and I could drop off the kids for a little while. Joshua took me to one of my favorite stores: Michael's. I love going there and getting craft ideas. Then we picked up the boys and went home. We did not do anything more exciting except eat dinner and put the boys to bed. I had a wonderful birthday and felt very blessed.

All Of Us,
Amy and boys,
The New House
Happy Anniversary, Grandpa and Grandma!
Today is also Grandpa Bob and Grandma Marie Steed's 32nd wedding anniversary. They had taken some time off work a few weeks ago to go some where for the night for their anniversary. I was glad that they were able to do that. We sure did miss them though. Its not the same without grandpa and grandma around. We love you and pray that the Lord will bless you both with many more years to come.
The New House
January 28, 2009
Happy Birthday, Paul!
Yesterday was Paul's 2nd birthday. I was not able to get all the things downloaded yesterday (I had so much to show everyone), so I did it today. I hope you enjoy! Although we celebrated a few days before, we still did not hesitate to celebrate it on his special day. I decorated the house with balloons and streamers. Joshua and I also went and bought some balloons. Paul loved the balloons and ran all around the house with them. Since we had a cake on Sunday, we decided to make muffins and stick candles in them. They were just as exciting to Paul as a cake was. My parents spent some time with Paul this morning for his birthday (since they are going to the shop for the day). Joshua was going to come home early today. Paul woke me up this morning, he was so excited. He carried a balloon and yelled when he came in the room as if to say "get up mommy, its my birthday." Paul loved opening his gifts and cards. Peter and Paul have been having alot of fun playing with Paul's new toys. Then we all, except for my sister, went down for naps. I needed one because Peter has been teething and he keep us up alot last night. When we were all up, they continued to play with the toys. Joshua came home and set up the tractor that Joshua's parents sent us. Paul loved helping Joshua put the tractor together. I don't know who liked it the most, Paul or Joshua. Joshua got to ride the tractor first. Paul loved it so much that he did not want to get off to eat dinner. Then it was time to give the boys their baths and get them ready for bed. It was a great day. We also wanted to make note that it is grandma Cathy's birthday today too. Today is also the anniversary of my grandpa Paul Thirion's death. Paul is named after my grandpa.
January 27, 2009
Paul's New Tractor
Paul got this tractor for his birthday from his grandpa and grandma Blevins. He loved his tractor and he loved helping Joshua put it together. Paul loved climbing on his tractor and getting rides from Joshua. His legs are too short for the peddles, but that does not stop him. Thanks for the great birthday present!
Happy Birthday, Grandma Cathy!
Today is Grandma Cathy Blevins birthday. Happy Birthday mom and grandma Cathy. We hope that you have a very blessed birthday since we can't be there with you. We love you and miss you. This movie is for you. Enjoy!
January 25, 2009
Paul's 2nd Birthday
We decided to have a small birthday party for Paul at church because we did not know if Paul would be able to last through a birthday party and we wanted to invite everyone and we did not know if our home was big enough. We brought the main meal for our fellowship time (potluck) and we had a cake to share with everyone. We also made games to do with the kids. I had fun making Paul's cake. Since the theme was hot wheels, I looked on the computer for ideas. I came across this website called: coolest birthday cakes. You should check out this website. It has so many amazing ideas and how to do them. Joshua also helped me out with the games. He drew a race car track and I colored it for "pin the car on the track". I then printed out pictures of hot wheels and glued them to a thin poster board. Then I cut them out. The kids are going to be blind-folded and then have to put their car on the track. We also have a game where the kids are going to drop cloths pins and have them go into a jar. Paul does not understand about birthdays yet, but he does know that something is going on. We had so much fun with the kids. One things that really impressed me was how they cheered each other on and praised their efforts after. They loved all the games, the prize bags, and the cake. Paul was not quite sure of what to do as everyone sang happy birthday to him. We had a great time and it was a wonderful birthday celebration, just as if we did it at home. Paul was very tired afterwards.
January 22, 2009
Playing The Piano
Paul loves playing with our piano. He loves to hit the keys and listen to the pre-set songs. Here are some cute pictures and movie.

Auntie Mar with boys,
The New House
January 17, 2009
My Valentine
Baby Exercise
Peter loves batting things across the kitchen floor, (anything from cars to balls). It is really cute seeing him do this and having so much fun. I think that he really likes to be mobile and interact with different things. Whenever I try to take a movie of him doing this, he sees me and starts to move towards me and the camera (my boys love having their pictures taken!). I think that they get that from Joshua. Anyways, here is a short, small movie of Peter playing with a ball.
January 14, 2009
Paul and Peter
Sometimes it is so funny how Paul and Peter play. It is so cute to see them together. Sometimes I wonder if things that Peter does, such as goes into the jumper, look like fun to Paul. He hated going in there when he was younger. But now he is willing to go in there or do something that his brother does just because Peter does it. Here are some cute pictures and movies of them.

Blevins Family,
Paul and Peter,
The New House
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