As most of you know, Peter has been experimenting with many different things: such as 1)climbing up the stairs to the landing; 2)falling down the stairs that lead to the basement (he gave us quite a scare with that one). He is fine, just needed to be adjusted.:); 3)crawling the one handed army crawl; 4)pulling himself up on thing, then falling and hitting his head. I will have to say that he is going to be my adventurous one and get into more scraps than his brother did. And I would have to say that I thought Paul was pretty bad. Peter is now starting to crawl on all fours (isn't it funny how you think that they are going to skip that stage or that they would never learn how to do it and then they amaze you and start to do it!). He looks so cute doing it because sometime he wants to go faster than he can and ends up falling. He also holds his arms out straight when he crawls. Here is a movie of him crawling.
December 30, 2008
Becoming Use To Change
One thing that I would like to note is that we are adjusting well to our new environment. Its funny how fast your body adjusts to wherever you are. When we first arrived, which was in the summer, it was alot like California. It was hot and very sunny. Then as we got into fall and winter, it started to get alittle colder. It was not to bad to begin with. Many of you were concerned about us surviving this winter. On the days that were cold, the boys, my sister, and I would stay in the house. Especially if the boys were not feeling well. It was often in the 20's or below. The weather has been "warming" up. It has been in the 40's and even 50's. We have gotten use to the weather where if it is 40 degrees or more it feels really warm. I have gone out in a sweater and even without a sweater and have been fine. My mom who gets cold easily has been enjoying this kind of weather. She does not feel cold at all.If and when we ever go back to Riverside to visit, it will be very interesting to see what we feel like in the winter. We may be saying how hot it is and wearing shorts!
Happy New Year
I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope that you and your family have a blessed time. My prayers for you are:
-that God would become more real to you.
-that you would continue to grow in Him.
-that He would become your all in all.
-that whatever you have planned to do in the New Year would be done in His strength.
-that God will bless you all.
May God bless you today and always.
-that God would become more real to you.
-that you would continue to grow in Him.
-that He would become your all in all.
-that whatever you have planned to do in the New Year would be done in His strength.
-that God will bless you all.
May God bless you today and always.
December 26, 2008
Update On Us
Awhile ago I had posted that we had seemed to be getting over our colds. Well, it seems like I spoke to soon. Paul threw up this morning and has not been feeling good. Last night we could not tell if he had gotten over heated from the heater or if he was running a fever. Please pray for him and for us to get better and to stay well. My parents and Joshua are enjoying their days off from the shop and being able to get things done that had needed to be done. Thank you for all your prayers and I hope that you are all doing well.
Our Christmas Day
Christmas Day was a very relaxing day for our family. Our big surprise was that my mom's brother, Tom, drove up from Arizona to see us. Joshua and I were able to sleep in this morning, then we spent some time as a family eating crepes for breakfast. Then my dad and Joshua were motivated to put new windows in and we can tell a big difference since the older ones losT their seal. It was a BIG project. Paul loved to see them use all the tools and watching them install windows. He even tickled daddy. I was able to do some of my cross-stitching, which I don't get alot of time to do. I also organized my room, which needed it badly (it was crowded from presents and other things). Then we played games and relaxed the rest of the night. Here are some pictures of our day.
Our Christmas Eve
My parents and Joshua were suppose to come home around 3:00 pm, but they ended up having alot of customers and did not come home until 5:30 pm. Then we went in search of a restraunt to eat at. Needless to say, alot of places were closed and we ended up eating at IHOP. The service was bad, but we enjoyed being a family together. Then we came home and opened presents. The boys sure did have fun. My mom was trying to organize the presents and Paul kept on moving them wanting to open them. We had a wonderful time and the boys had fun until they got tired. Then we just relaxed until we went to bed.
December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his houlder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6
We all wish you a very blessed Chirstmas with your families. We pray that God will be with you always and that you may feel His presence on His special day. May we all remember what God did for us in sending His Son in the form of a baby to grow and teach among us and die for our sins. What a wonderful gift He gave us. May God bless you all today and in the new coming year.
We all wish you a very blessed Chirstmas with your families. We pray that God will be with you always and that you may feel His presence on His special day. May we all remember what God did for us in sending His Son in the form of a baby to grow and teach among us and die for our sins. What a wonderful gift He gave us. May God bless you all today and in the new coming year.
December 23, 2008
Update On Us
We are FINALLY getting over our colds after 3 weeks. Thank you to all those who prayed for us. We have been very busy getting everything ready for Christmas. I have been taking over more and more of my mom's role. I have been baking, packing, sorting, buying, and wrapping all sorts of things from cookies to presents. We are very excited about being able to spend time as a family this Christmas and have some long deserved days off. We could not have done this without having help at the shop. My mom, dad, and Joshua are so much more relaxed and not so tired looking. And we are keeping warm as the weather has been 30 degrees or below. Thank you for all your prayers and looking at the blog.
Two Special Families
Here are two pictures of some very special friends. They are the ones helping us in the shop. They are such a blessing in more ways than one. They were very helpful in our time of need at the shop as well as being a blessing from the Lord as friends. Please pray for them as they are trying to find God's will out for their lives. They are wanting to be missionaries in Ukaine.
The Duddecks: Jeff, Tonya, Emiliee, and Jeffery.
The Applings: Jeff, Stephainne, Seth, Shelby, and Gracie.
Happy Birthday Auntie Mar
On Dec. 20, We celebrated Auntie Mar's birthday. We had a small celebration of our family and two friends of the family and their families. My sister, mom, and I stayed home from the shop to get ready for the party. We were very excited. We ate, played games, and ate cake. We had alot of fun. A very tipical Steed party. Paul and Peter had fun playing with the other kids. Here are some pictures and movies of us.
December 22, 2008
We Will Have Internet
Tomorrow we will have internet installed in our new home. I can't wait as it has been hard posting because I would either have to go over to our friends house or the shop. It has been hard because the boys have been sick. So expect some new posts tomorrow night. Take care.
December 16, 2008
The Reason For The Season
I love Christmas. I love everything about Christmas. I especially love the fact that God sent His son to die on the cross for our sins. Christmas is a special time in my family to celebrate Christ coming to earth as a baby. Our tree would not be complete without the manger at the bottom. We read the story of Jesus birth and then put the manger together. Paul loved helping set up the manger. The boys were so cute as they were able to join in on this adventure. Here are some pictures of them and the manger.
The Weather
December 12, 2008
A Prayer Request
Please continue to pray for the boys as they are still sick, but are doing better. Paul is better, but he still has a bad cough. Peter seemed to be staying away from being sick, but now he seems to be getting a cold. It is hard to see ones so young getting sick. Please pray that they would continue to get better and that the rest of us will continue to stay well.
P.S. Don't forget to check out our family blog.
P.S. Don't forget to check out our family blog.
December 8, 2008
Peter Is Growing Up
I can't believe how fast my boys are growing so fast! Whenever I say that my mom comments that it is time to have another one. We are going to wait a while though. Peter has been doing the army crawl and going everywhere. He seems to really enjoy going places. It seems like that has motivated him to learn how to walk because he is trying to pull himself up. Sometime he gets there, but he does not know how to get down. It will be interesting to see when he starts to walk (he does not crawl all the way yet). Here are some cute movies and pictures of him.

Christmas Time
Here are pictures of our house decorated for Christmas and the tree. I know you are probably thinking snowflakes in the trees? Amy what are you thinking! Well, I had these snowflakes that I did not know where to put, so I decided to use them outside. I know it snow here, but I think that they look really good with everything else. I thought that the boys were so cute with the packages. They love playing with the wrapped presents. Have a Merry Christmas!
A Snow Storm
Update On Us
Hi everyone. I hope this finds you well. We have been busy with life, plus we don't have internet access at our new house. So the only way I would be able to blog is if I go to the shop. But there is only one problem. The boys have been sick for the past two weeks with a bad cold. So lets see if I can recap for you all. On Thanksgiving we worked over at the house until 1:00 pm when Joshua, my sister, the boys and I went over to our Pastors house to eat. My parents stayed at the house and ran some errands. We did not really feel like celebrating. And eat we did, the boys were fussy and we had alot to do so we soon left after. That weekend all of us moved over to the new house and were still unpacking. On Tuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, some friends of our brought us a Thanksgiving dinner because they felt bad that we were not able to celebrate. It was a very special time, they eat with us and we had so much fun. Then the boys got sick, Paul the worst. They had stuffy, runny noses, fevers, coughs. And we still unpacked because we are going to have a yard sale. Joshua and I spent some time putting up Christmas lights, though we did have some problems with where to get the power. We decorated the house for Christmas. We got our trees yesterday. That's about it. Please pray that the boys would get better and that the rest of us would stay well. That the shop would continue to pick us. And that we would be able to enjoy the holidays coming up.
P.S. We have asked the two Jeffs, the two families that bought us Thanksgiving dinner, to help at the shop. They are having alot of fun learning and we are so grateful for the extra help as we are all tiring out from all the work. So that's a praise.
P.S. We have asked the two Jeffs, the two families that bought us Thanksgiving dinner, to help at the shop. They are having alot of fun learning and we are so grateful for the extra help as we are all tiring out from all the work. So that's a praise.
God's Goodness,
prayers requests,
The New House,
The New Shop,
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