September 27, 2008
A Special Dinner
My mom's birthday is next Saturday and my sister and I have been thinking of some way to make it special as well as let us have some fun. We have not been able to have much fun and excitement with the shop. My sister and I planned a special dinner of rib eye steaks, baked potatoes, zucchini, Cesar salad, corn bread, and of course cheese cake (Carmel pecan). We decided to do the dinner early because we wanted to invite Ed and he was going to be gone on the 4th. The dinner turned out wonderful(everyone ate too much)and we enjoyed good comany (Ed and Stan both came). Stan is the guy that owns the house that Ed has his trailer parked. Here are some pictures of our evening.
Mom and her cheesecake.
Ed holding Peter and Peter looking at Ed.
Everyone there- Joshua, Stan, Ed, Marlene, Peter, and mom.
Who is that?
September 26, 2008
A Beautiful Sunrise
I have been posting pictures about sunsets that I felt I should do one on a sunrise. I did not get up before the sun to take this picture, but as I was getting Paul's breakfast this morning I looked out the window and saw the sun just hitting the top of the mountains. It was partly cloudy this morning and cool. I thought it was just beautiful to see the sun shining on the top of the mountains and the rest of it dark. It reminded me of what it would look like when the sun was rising. I hope you enjoy these pictures!
Prayer Requests and Updates
The boys have been fighting illness off and on since we arrived. I have been told by someone who lives here that the first year is the hardest because your body is getting use to its new envirnoment and we should except to get sick several times. Please pray that we would be able to fight off this sickness and that I would be able to take care of the boys and myself. Please continue to pray for the selling of the house. The sell of the house is suppose to close on the 12th of October. We are really hoping that it does so that we can get into our own house. We have found a house that we would like to buy. Please also pray that if it is the Lord's will that we would be able to buy this house. My mom is still hurting in her neck and I have been having pain in my right hip. We have been going to a new chiropractor and they have been working to get us back into adjustment, but we are experiencing alot of pain. Please pray that we would be healed and that the pain will soon lessen. Paul has been acting up and it has been hard on me to know what to do. Please pray that the Lord will show Joshua and I the right steps we need to take in disciplining Paul. The shop has not been doing to well lately. We were getting excited about the increase of sells, but it has slowen down alot. Please pray that the Lord's hand will be with us and that we would continually trust in Him to provide for all our needs. Thank you to all of those who have been praying for us as we have been going through this adventure.
September 22, 2008
Another Beautiful Sunset
Solo Restaurant
Yesterday Joshua and I went on a date by ourselves while my mom, dad, and sister watched the boys. Usually we take Peter with us where ever we go, so this was quite a treat. We have been wanting to go to this one restaurant that was built around an airplane. We stopped by once, but have not been able to go to it. The airplane that is in the restaurant is called the "princess." We had a wonderful time just the two of us and took lots of pictures. The website for the restaurant is, if you are interested in seeing it.
These are views of it from the front entrance.
These are some more views from around the building.

Here are some views from inside the restaurant.

Here are some pictures of inside the plane.

This picture is of a guy that would be working on the plane when it was used. This plane was used for refueling other planes and that's what this guy was doing.
We had to wait when we arrived because a huge tour group got there before us. This is our "boarding pass" for when we were to be seated. On the back was a little history about the airplane and on the front it said that we were going to Italy. It stuck us very funny because we have talked about going to Europe and especially Italy because that were all the famous violin makers came from! 
We had a great time and hope to be able to eat there again (but maybe not too soon because it was expensive). It was great to just be the two of us.
Blevins Family,
Joshua and Amy
Welcome Fall
September 20, 2008
Miniature Golf
Today my sister and I went to the shop early to spend sometime with the family and so we could go do something about everyone got off work. There is a miniature golf place right next to where we work and we decide to play a round and then order pizza. Paul loved it! This was his first time and he had so much fun (of course with Daddy's help). The weather was cool, but warm. We enjoyed our family time together. Peter was a little fuzzy and grandma had to hold him (and she just hated that). We had a nice time relaxing. Here are some pictures and some movies of our adventure.
September 17, 2008
Just A Touch Of Paint
I attempted to continue my Christmas presents today. It is very hard to be artistic with two little boys. Sometimes I am amazed at what I am able to accomplish during the day. Paul has been joining me on my adventure.
He painted my arm.
He even painted his hands.
He painted his face.
He must have thought that paint was to eat because the first time he painted with me, he put the paint brush in his mouth. I was shocked. I called Joshua to see what I should do and he said not to worry (it was water based). He went around for the rest of the day with a yellow mouth and lips!
He even painted on his clothes.
Needless to say, at first I was surprised, then I started laughing. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I did.
September 15, 2008
What's Happening
I am sorry that I have not written in a while. We have been very busy with the shop, boys, and looking for a house. We have not been up to too much (or at least anything new to share). The weather has been nice here. So different than what we are use to for September. Everyone who lives here is enjoying it, but we are on the cold side because it has been in the 60's or 70's during the day and 40's during the night. We actually had to go shopping yesterday because we needed some new WARM clothes. It will be interesting to see how winter is. Here are some pictures of the boys and some movies.

Auntie Mar with boys,
Paul and Peter,
My Little Artist
As you all know I have been busy with getting things ready for Christmas. Paul has been very interested in watching me do my projects and I have began to let him help me. He loves painting with me and every time I go towards the paints, he follows me and loves to touch and put everything on the table. He has even helped me paint some things. Here is a movie of Paul playing with some of my craft stuff while eating lunch.
September 11, 2008
Update on the House
We did sell the house! Well, its in Escrow. The funny thing is is that the granddaughter of the lady that my parents bought it from is the one buying the house. She loves what we did to the house and decided to buy it. The Lord sure does do things that we could not even imagine. What a sense of humor He has! We don't have much time, but we have been looking for a house here. The funny thing is is that they don't have Escrow in Colorado. We could not believe it! We will keep you updated on what's happening.
Peter Plays
Peter is growing so fast. I hardly can remember all the different ages that Paul started to be able to do things. Peter is teething all ready and he loves to be able to stand up in his bouncers. He even is learning how to move some of the toys on them. It has been a big growing experience, even though I feel more confident with Peter than I did with Paul. Here are some pictures and movies of Peter playing in his bouncer

Paul and Peter
Paul loves his little brother. Sometimes he loves him a little too much. We are very careful of how Paul interacts with Peter. They are going to be so close when they grow up. It is cute to see how Peter watches Paul, almost as if he wishes he could get down and play with Paul.
Blevins Family,
Ed's house,
Paul and Peter
September 9, 2008
Praise The Lord!!!!
We might have sold our house in California. We have agreed to an offer that was made on the house. We did not receive the asking price that we wanted, but we are happy with what the offer was. Please continue to pray that the sell of the house will go through and that we would be able to buy a house here. We are very excited over the possibility of having our own home. We are very appreciative towards Ed for letting us stay here, but we don't have alot of room for all the things we need. Also please pray for us as our trainer Jason is leaving today. We still feel like there is so much that we don't know. Please pray that God would give us the wisdom that we need to be successful in this business and bring glory to God.
September 6, 2008
The Weather
I just wanted to share with you all about the weather we have been having here in Colorado Springs. When we first arrived here the weather was warm in the 80's sometimes 90's. The weather slowly changed in the evenings cooling off. We started to have alot of rain, especially in the afternoons, and sometimes during the day. The people that live here say that it is very unusual for this time of year. It has been very refreshing to those of us who are not use to the rain. The past couple of days it has been very cold in the morning in the 40's and 50's, warming up in the afternoon, and then cooling way down at night. The weird thing is that it can be in the 60's in the afternoon and I can wear a short sleeve shirt outside. It is very warm in the sun and you can't even feel that it is that cold. It has been like this for the last several days. It will be interesting to see what it will be like in the winter, especially to someone who is use to a warmer climate:). Thank you God for inventions such as key chains that start your car while you are in the house on cold days!!!!
September 4, 2008
The Frymire Family
Here is a picture of the Frymire Family (including Daniel). It was good to see them again. We enjoyed seeing them here in Colorado. They are very proud of their son even though they miss him very much.
David, Malena, Margot and Daniel Frymire
We went out to eat with Margot and Jason (he is the one who is training us) and then we all went for a walk at the Garden of the gods. It was a beautiful time to walk. You can see all the stars.
Joshua and Jason

Marlene, Margot, Peter, and Dad

Mom and Paul
David, Malena, Margot and Daniel Frymire
We went out to eat with Margot and Jason (he is the one who is training us) and then we all went for a walk at the Garden of the gods. It was a beautiful time to walk. You can see all the stars.
Joshua and Jason
Marlene, Margot, Peter, and Dad
Mom and Paul
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