June 30, 2008
Update on what's happening
This will be my last post until after we move. The semi-truck will be coming to my parents home on July 10th and we will be busy packing and finishing up last minute details. On the day or days to follow we will be packing up the truck and then leaving to drive to Colorado. Please pray that we would have safety on the road and that Paul and Peter would do good on the drive out there. As soon as we are settled I will post pictures of Colorado, our shop, the house we are staying at, and any pictures that I took on the road. I hope you enjoy this blog. God Bless you all.
All Of Us,
The Big Move,
The Old House,
Peter Smiles
Peter is fast at smiling and loves to smile at anyone who smiles at him. When he wakes up from his nap or from sleeping in the night, he smiles at anyone who holds him and talks to him. This movie is not very good, but he did smile for me. He has such a cute smile that lights up his whole face.
The Future Violinist!!!
Paul loves playing the violin. As soon as he hears Joshua take out his violin, Paul runs over to him and begs to play. Paul becomes all excited when he listens to his daddy play. It is so cute to see him play and hopefully that will continue to grow as he becomes older. I hope you enjoy this movie and picture.
Blevins Family,
Joshua and boys,
The Old Shop,
June 26, 2008
My little Valentine
I know that Valentine's Day was awhile ago, but I just had to add these pictures. This year while we were making cookies, Paul learned how to cut the cookies out using the cookie cutters and even decorated them. He was so cute and he did a wonderful job. Here are some pictures of Auntie Marlene, grandma Steed, and mommy helping Paul.

All Of Us,
The Old House,
Valentine's Day
Paul in the sand box
Paul loves the sand box that my parents gave him. He does not totally get the concept of scouping up the sand with the shovel. Paul loves to flick the sand and it goes every where. That's one thing you need to watch about Paul. He loves splashing you in the bathtub and throwing sand at you. We have alot of fun with him and he is such a joy to be around. Paul has such a sweet, fun loving, personality. He loves being
outside and enjoys
many different things.
Auntie Mar with boys,
The Old House
June 24, 2008
Some pictures of Peter
Here are some more pictures of Peter before and after he was born. We were all excited about Peter's arrival, even Paul. We thank God everyday for the little blessings that He has given us.
Peter Allen
God blessed Joshua and Amy again with another child. They were not only very surprised, but also excited because the two boys were going to be growing up together (being only 14 months apart). The first few months were filled with morning sickness again and doctor's appointments. Joshua and Amy wanted to go with a midwife this time, since their hospital experience was not the greatest, but God had other plans. They did not have the money, so it was decided to going through the insurance. The Lord blessed them with a doctor that was willing to work with us. On April 14, 2008, Amy went to the doctor's for a normal check-up. Amy's doctor said that she was having practice contractions. After Joshua and Amy left, Am
y did not think about the pain and went about as normal. Even when the pain became more intense she did not think she was in labor. About 7:30 pm, the pain became worse. Amy's mom offered to keep Paul for them, so that they could sleep. Joshua ended up calling Amy's mom and the doctor about 3:00 am. The doctor said that Amy had nothing to worry about and it was not time to go to the hospital. When it was finally time to go to the hospital and Joshua helped Amy prepare to go, as they headed towards the bathroom Amy had one more contraction and gave one more push and had Peter on the bathroom floor of their apartment. God was good. Peter and Amy were both okay. Joshua and Amy feel very blessed that God gave them two sons to take care of and raise.
Blevins Family,
family history,
The Old House
June 23, 2008
Paul helps pack
Paul loves playing with the box of bubble wrap. He has been known to move it around and even stand upon the box itself. I had given my keys to Paul to play with and I could not find them. My mom found them inside the box! We have had alot of fun and memories with packing and moving. Sorry for those of you who become sick. He was moving around alot when I was taping him.
June 22, 2008
Paul loves being outside. He would be there in rain or sunshine, if we let him. Whenever someone goes to the door, we have a hard time keeping Paul inside. He loves going outside and walking around. We have taken him to the park on many different occasions. He loves it there and loves to explore the new surroundings. Joshua took him on the slide. Boy did he have fun and laugh alot. Paul also loves to dip in the sand, even though he mostly throws the dirt all over the place. We love spending time with our son while he explores his world.
Paul Eugene
They were very surprised and happy to hear that they were expecting their first son. Amy was careful on what she ate and made sure she went to the doctors. The first few months were hard with morning sickness, but after that was over they both were able to enjoy this new experience. Each new stage was exciting. The day soon came for Paul to be born and Amy's water broke at 12:00 am.Joshua and Amy waited to go to the hospital until 6:00 am. Since Amy's water broke, she was in bed the whole labor. After many hours of labor and three hours of pushing, Paul came into the world. We were overjoyed with a boy, especially since we did not know what we were having. Paul Eugene Blevins was born on Jan. 27, 2007. He is named after Amy's grandfather who is now passed away. Paul was born on the anniversary of Amy's grandfather's death as well as Joshua's mom's birthday. He has been a joy to have around and we are thankful for our son. 
Blevins Family,
family history,
The Old House
June 19, 2008
My Family
Here are some pictures of Joshua and me with our boys. The one of Joshua with the boys is taken on Father's Day. I had surprised Joshua by buying and making shirts that the boys are wearing. We had a wonderful day which we spend with my family. The other pictures of us were taken on different days. God has blessed us with two little boys.

Paul and Peter
Since the boys were little, we have been taking pictures of them in some way with a Bible. Paul was resting on God's Word (My dad is in the back of Paul). We love the picture because it portrays God being bigger than we are and protecting us. Peter is Hidden in God's Word. I had him in camo and since camo is used for hiding things I thought that the saying would be appropriate. I hope you are blessed by these pictures as we were in taking them. 
Paul Eugene Resting on the Word of God
Peter Allen Hidden In God's Word

Blevins Family,
Paul and Peter,
The Old House
Fish Pond
These pictures were taken in my parents backyard. Paul loves being outside and has always been curious about the pond. The pond is actually a spa that we put in the ground. We had fun putting the pond together as a family. There is even fish in there. Grandpa Steed has been showing Paul how to feed the fish and they love spending time out there together watching the fish. Paul has been learning how to feed the fish by himself.

June 17, 2008
Joshua and Amy
Joshua and Amy met in October of 2004 at Heritage Bible Church. They slowly formed a friendship through different church events. On Dec. 4, 2004, Joshua asked Amy's dad if he could court Amy. In doing so Joshua became part of the family, becoming the son Amy's parents never had. Joshua came o
ver every weekend to see Amy and their relationship grew. Joshua could often be seen over at Amy's house whether it was visiting her or helping her dad with some family project. On May 28, 2005, Joshua asked Amy to marry him, in which she said yes. They became very busy with wedding plans. The Lord brought them through alot before they were married. Josh
ua, with the help of Amy's parents, was starting a violin shop and had to wait until the shop was making enough to support Amy. The Lord was very faithful and the day soon approached. On April 22, 2006, Joshua and Amy became man and wife, rejoicing with each other and those they loved. After their honeymoon they moved into a one bedroom apartment in Riverside, California. Joshua and I just celebrated our second year anniversary. We were both very exhausted from my just giving birth to Peter and trying to adjust to having two kids. My family put together a dinner for us and helped us celebrate our anniversary. It meant alot to us to be able to celebrate even though we were tired.

family history,
Joshua and Amy,
The Old House
Joshua's 25th birthday
On May 16, we celebrated Joshua's birthday by going out to breakfast at the Riverside Airport. We love going there because the cafe sits right beside the runway and you can see airplanes taking off and landing. We go there as often as we can. This time we took my parents, Paul, and Peter with us. Paul loved looking at all the airplanes. We had a wonderful time and then I took Joshua to work. On May 25, We surprised Joshua by having a small surprise party. We invited a family from our church over and we ate lunch and played volleyball. It was hard to keep it a surprise, but we were able to (Joshua ends up finding out about things, so we had to be careful). We had alot of fun and a great time of fellowship.
All Of Us,
The Old House
June 14, 2008
I just had to add this one last picture. Since Paul was little we have been showing him airplanes. My mom started by calling the ceiling fan an airplane. He now can tell what real airplanes are and has seen many of them. Whether we are in the house or outside, if he hears the sound an airplane makes, he points to the sky to show whoever is with him. It is so cute. One of these days I am going to take a video if it.
Paul and Peter
Hi everyone! We are keeping very busy with our two boys. They have been a tremendous blessing to us and we can't imagine life without them. Paul just adores his little brother. He is quick to see what is wrong when Peter is crying. He also loves giving his brother hugs. Here are some pictures we took of them together.
Blevins Family,
Paul and Peter,
The Old House
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