As most of you know, Peter has been experimenting with many different things: such as 1)climbing up the stairs to the landing; 2)falling down the stairs that lead to the basement (he gave us quite a scare with that one). He is fine, just needed to be adjusted.:); 3)crawling the one handed army crawl; 4)pulling himself up on thing, then falling and hitting his head. I will have to say that he is going to be my adventurous one and get into more scraps than his brother did. And I would have to say that I thought Paul was pretty bad. Peter is now starting to crawl on all fours (isn't it funny how you think that they are going to skip that stage or that they would never learn how to do it and then they amaze you and start to do it!). He looks so cute doing it because sometime he wants to go faster than he can and ends up falling. He also holds his arms out straight when he crawls. Here is a movie of him crawling.
December 30, 2008
Becoming Use To Change
One thing that I would like to note is that we are adjusting well to our new environment. Its funny how fast your body adjusts to wherever you are. When we first arrived, which was in the summer, it was alot like California. It was hot and very sunny. Then as we got into fall and winter, it started to get alittle colder. It was not to bad to begin with. Many of you were concerned about us surviving this winter. On the days that were cold, the boys, my sister, and I would stay in the house. Especially if the boys were not feeling well. It was often in the 20's or below. The weather has been "warming" up. It has been in the 40's and even 50's. We have gotten use to the weather where if it is 40 degrees or more it feels really warm. I have gone out in a sweater and even without a sweater and have been fine. My mom who gets cold easily has been enjoying this kind of weather. She does not feel cold at all.If and when we ever go back to Riverside to visit, it will be very interesting to see what we feel like in the winter. We may be saying how hot it is and wearing shorts!
Happy New Year
I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope that you and your family have a blessed time. My prayers for you are:
-that God would become more real to you.
-that you would continue to grow in Him.
-that He would become your all in all.
-that whatever you have planned to do in the New Year would be done in His strength.
-that God will bless you all.
May God bless you today and always.
-that God would become more real to you.
-that you would continue to grow in Him.
-that He would become your all in all.
-that whatever you have planned to do in the New Year would be done in His strength.
-that God will bless you all.
May God bless you today and always.
December 26, 2008
Update On Us
Awhile ago I had posted that we had seemed to be getting over our colds. Well, it seems like I spoke to soon. Paul threw up this morning and has not been feeling good. Last night we could not tell if he had gotten over heated from the heater or if he was running a fever. Please pray for him and for us to get better and to stay well. My parents and Joshua are enjoying their days off from the shop and being able to get things done that had needed to be done. Thank you for all your prayers and I hope that you are all doing well.
Our Christmas Day
Christmas Day was a very relaxing day for our family. Our big surprise was that my mom's brother, Tom, drove up from Arizona to see us. Joshua and I were able to sleep in this morning, then we spent some time as a family eating crepes for breakfast. Then my dad and Joshua were motivated to put new windows in and we can tell a big difference since the older ones losT their seal. It was a BIG project. Paul loved to see them use all the tools and watching them install windows. He even tickled daddy. I was able to do some of my cross-stitching, which I don't get alot of time to do. I also organized my room, which needed it badly (it was crowded from presents and other things). Then we played games and relaxed the rest of the night. Here are some pictures of our day.
Our Christmas Eve
My parents and Joshua were suppose to come home around 3:00 pm, but they ended up having alot of customers and did not come home until 5:30 pm. Then we went in search of a restraunt to eat at. Needless to say, alot of places were closed and we ended up eating at IHOP. The service was bad, but we enjoyed being a family together. Then we came home and opened presents. The boys sure did have fun. My mom was trying to organize the presents and Paul kept on moving them wanting to open them. We had a wonderful time and the boys had fun until they got tired. Then we just relaxed until we went to bed.
December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his houlder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6
We all wish you a very blessed Chirstmas with your families. We pray that God will be with you always and that you may feel His presence on His special day. May we all remember what God did for us in sending His Son in the form of a baby to grow and teach among us and die for our sins. What a wonderful gift He gave us. May God bless you all today and in the new coming year.
We all wish you a very blessed Chirstmas with your families. We pray that God will be with you always and that you may feel His presence on His special day. May we all remember what God did for us in sending His Son in the form of a baby to grow and teach among us and die for our sins. What a wonderful gift He gave us. May God bless you all today and in the new coming year.
December 23, 2008
Update On Us
We are FINALLY getting over our colds after 3 weeks. Thank you to all those who prayed for us. We have been very busy getting everything ready for Christmas. I have been taking over more and more of my mom's role. I have been baking, packing, sorting, buying, and wrapping all sorts of things from cookies to presents. We are very excited about being able to spend time as a family this Christmas and have some long deserved days off. We could not have done this without having help at the shop. My mom, dad, and Joshua are so much more relaxed and not so tired looking. And we are keeping warm as the weather has been 30 degrees or below. Thank you for all your prayers and looking at the blog.
Two Special Families
Here are two pictures of some very special friends. They are the ones helping us in the shop. They are such a blessing in more ways than one. They were very helpful in our time of need at the shop as well as being a blessing from the Lord as friends. Please pray for them as they are trying to find God's will out for their lives. They are wanting to be missionaries in Ukaine.
The Duddecks: Jeff, Tonya, Emiliee, and Jeffery.
The Applings: Jeff, Stephainne, Seth, Shelby, and Gracie.
Happy Birthday Auntie Mar
On Dec. 20, We celebrated Auntie Mar's birthday. We had a small celebration of our family and two friends of the family and their families. My sister, mom, and I stayed home from the shop to get ready for the party. We were very excited. We ate, played games, and ate cake. We had alot of fun. A very tipical Steed party. Paul and Peter had fun playing with the other kids. Here are some pictures and movies of us.
December 22, 2008
We Will Have Internet
Tomorrow we will have internet installed in our new home. I can't wait as it has been hard posting because I would either have to go over to our friends house or the shop. It has been hard because the boys have been sick. So expect some new posts tomorrow night. Take care.
December 16, 2008
The Reason For The Season
I love Christmas. I love everything about Christmas. I especially love the fact that God sent His son to die on the cross for our sins. Christmas is a special time in my family to celebrate Christ coming to earth as a baby. Our tree would not be complete without the manger at the bottom. We read the story of Jesus birth and then put the manger together. Paul loved helping set up the manger. The boys were so cute as they were able to join in on this adventure. Here are some pictures of them and the manger.
The Weather
December 12, 2008
A Prayer Request
Please continue to pray for the boys as they are still sick, but are doing better. Paul is better, but he still has a bad cough. Peter seemed to be staying away from being sick, but now he seems to be getting a cold. It is hard to see ones so young getting sick. Please pray that they would continue to get better and that the rest of us will continue to stay well.
P.S. Don't forget to check out our family blog.
P.S. Don't forget to check out our family blog.
December 8, 2008
Peter Is Growing Up
I can't believe how fast my boys are growing so fast! Whenever I say that my mom comments that it is time to have another one. We are going to wait a while though. Peter has been doing the army crawl and going everywhere. He seems to really enjoy going places. It seems like that has motivated him to learn how to walk because he is trying to pull himself up. Sometime he gets there, but he does not know how to get down. It will be interesting to see when he starts to walk (he does not crawl all the way yet). Here are some cute movies and pictures of him.

Christmas Time
Here are pictures of our house decorated for Christmas and the tree. I know you are probably thinking snowflakes in the trees? Amy what are you thinking! Well, I had these snowflakes that I did not know where to put, so I decided to use them outside. I know it snow here, but I think that they look really good with everything else. I thought that the boys were so cute with the packages. They love playing with the wrapped presents. Have a Merry Christmas!
A Snow Storm
Update On Us
Hi everyone. I hope this finds you well. We have been busy with life, plus we don't have internet access at our new house. So the only way I would be able to blog is if I go to the shop. But there is only one problem. The boys have been sick for the past two weeks with a bad cold. So lets see if I can recap for you all. On Thanksgiving we worked over at the house until 1:00 pm when Joshua, my sister, the boys and I went over to our Pastors house to eat. My parents stayed at the house and ran some errands. We did not really feel like celebrating. And eat we did, the boys were fussy and we had alot to do so we soon left after. That weekend all of us moved over to the new house and were still unpacking. On Tuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, some friends of our brought us a Thanksgiving dinner because they felt bad that we were not able to celebrate. It was a very special time, they eat with us and we had so much fun. Then the boys got sick, Paul the worst. They had stuffy, runny noses, fevers, coughs. And we still unpacked because we are going to have a yard sale. Joshua and I spent some time putting up Christmas lights, though we did have some problems with where to get the power. We decorated the house for Christmas. We got our trees yesterday. That's about it. Please pray that the boys would get better and that the rest of us would stay well. That the shop would continue to pick us. And that we would be able to enjoy the holidays coming up.
P.S. We have asked the two Jeffs, the two families that bought us Thanksgiving dinner, to help at the shop. They are having alot of fun learning and we are so grateful for the extra help as we are all tiring out from all the work. So that's a praise.
P.S. We have asked the two Jeffs, the two families that bought us Thanksgiving dinner, to help at the shop. They are having alot of fun learning and we are so grateful for the extra help as we are all tiring out from all the work. So that's a praise.
God's Goodness,
prayers requests,
The New House,
The New Shop,
November 27, 2008
A Snow Angel For Uncle Dave
Happy Thanksgiving
We hope that you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving. What a special time to get together with family and friends to celebrate all the things that God has given us and will continue to give us. I hope that we will remember to give thanks not just today, but continually throughout the year. We are very thankful for each and everyone of you! It is very different celebrating Thanksgiving here. We are so far away from everything that we have known. We miss all our friends and family, but God has blessed us with a new church family and friends. We have much to be thankful for-especially being able to move out here as a family (beside what God has done for us). We are very thankful to be here. We will be eating at our Pastor's house and then spending a majority of the day at the new house unpacking. We hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends. Let us thank God for His many blessings- both now and in the future.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!!!!
November 26, 2008
Update On Us
Sorry I have not written in a while. We have been very busy getting the new house ready. There are so many boxes and so much stuff! Half of the things I forgot I had :). My mom has been nervous about moving everything into the new house, so my sister and I are doing most of the work. I just about finished the kitchen. There is still so much to do. In the mist of all this, I have not been getting enough sleep because Peter is still waking up once or twice a night, Paul is getting up early, and my hip has been hurting from all the up and down and going up stairs. It is starting to look like a home and feel like home. Please pray for my mom as she goes through this emotional time, my sister and I as we try to come along side and set up the house, and my hip to heal so that I can do what is necessary in the house as well and take care of the boys. My mom is going to see the house for the first time since we moved everything in and got the new carpet. Please pray that she will not be overwhelmed with everything and able to enjoy herself. Thank you for all your prayers.
November 22, 2008
Inside The New House
FINALLY!!!! WHAT YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR- PICTURES OF INSIDE THE NEW HOUSE. We are done with the carpet and painting and now it is time to show our new house that the Lord has blessed us with. We are very excited and can't wait to move in. As you know we are spending this weekend moving our stuff. We are very grateful for all the help that our new friends are giving us. They are such a blessing and God sent. It would have taken us long to move in if we were doing this ourselves. I will try to take some more pictures of when we have everything in its place so you can see what it will really be like. Enough talking, lets get to the pictures!
101 Things Not To Do To A Cell Phone
Here is a continuation of the list of things NOT to do to a cell phone:
21. Don't let your baby drool on your cell phone.
22. Don't let your dog chew on your cell phone (especially poodles).
23. Don't test the amps while phone is charging, you might short it.
24. When throwing your cell phone, make sure that it is your cell phone, before throwing it across the room.
25. Don't fall off your motorcycle with your cell phone.
26. Don't go skating and fall down with your cell phone in your back pocket.
27. Don't fall in the pond with your cell phone.
28. Don't use your cell phone while giving your child a bath.
29. Don't try to text someone by holding your cell phone out the window (because your battery was low) while driving on the freeway. It might just drop out of your hands.
30. Don't drop your cell phone while getting out of the car to confront the person who backed into you, and have your cell phone run over by a car.
31. Don't have your cell phone in your pocket while using power tools, you might drill a hole in it. Of course, this guy was blessed that he drilled in his cell phone instead of his leg.
32. Don't kneel on your cell phone when you are trying to protect it while working on construction.
33. Don't use your cell phone as a hacky sack.
34. Don't work under a blown propane truck after the firefighter put it out. It can cause water damage, especially when it falls out and lands in a puddle.
35. Don't let your cat play with your cell phone. They might just drop it in the water.
36. Don't set your cell phone on the counter where it can get wet while you are in the kitchen. It could cause water damage.
37. Don't get excited about something, forget your cell phone is in your pocket, and jump into the ocean.
38. Don't put your cell phone in your back pocket and forget its there and sit down.
39. If you have a dog that likes to chew, don't buy a Blackberry cell phone.
40. Don't let your one year old get ahold of it and throw it across the room.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I did writing them down to post. God Bless.
21. Don't let your baby drool on your cell phone.
22. Don't let your dog chew on your cell phone (especially poodles).
23. Don't test the amps while phone is charging, you might short it.
24. When throwing your cell phone, make sure that it is your cell phone, before throwing it across the room.
25. Don't fall off your motorcycle with your cell phone.
26. Don't go skating and fall down with your cell phone in your back pocket.
27. Don't fall in the pond with your cell phone.
28. Don't use your cell phone while giving your child a bath.
29. Don't try to text someone by holding your cell phone out the window (because your battery was low) while driving on the freeway. It might just drop out of your hands.
30. Don't drop your cell phone while getting out of the car to confront the person who backed into you, and have your cell phone run over by a car.
31. Don't have your cell phone in your pocket while using power tools, you might drill a hole in it. Of course, this guy was blessed that he drilled in his cell phone instead of his leg.
32. Don't kneel on your cell phone when you are trying to protect it while working on construction.
33. Don't use your cell phone as a hacky sack.
34. Don't work under a blown propane truck after the firefighter put it out. It can cause water damage, especially when it falls out and lands in a puddle.
35. Don't let your cat play with your cell phone. They might just drop it in the water.
36. Don't set your cell phone on the counter where it can get wet while you are in the kitchen. It could cause water damage.
37. Don't get excited about something, forget your cell phone is in your pocket, and jump into the ocean.
38. Don't put your cell phone in your back pocket and forget its there and sit down.
39. If you have a dog that likes to chew, don't buy a Blackberry cell phone.
40. Don't let your one year old get ahold of it and throw it across the room.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I did writing them down to post. God Bless.
November 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!
Today is grandpa Steed's birthday. He spent most of the day at the new house painting because the carpet is going to be installed on Friday. Grandpa is having some people help him (two guys named Jeff). My sister, the boys, and I are going to be going to the shop to spend part of the day and eat dinner. Grandma baked a cake and we are making a special dinner. Paul, Peter, and I went over to the new house and played in the backyard for awhile. We are very excited about the new house. We then went to the shop and met the rest of the family there. We ate dinner, opened gifts, and ate cake and ice cream. It was not anything major, but it was nice to be able to spend time together as a family. We all had a great time. Maybe I will have pictures of the new house for you this weekend. On Sunday, some of the men from church are coming over and helping us move our things over to the house. It will still take some time before we are completely moved over.
Can I help grandma?
Yum! It tastes like chocolate!
Okay mom, let's go see grandpa.
Do I get to eat too?
All of us together.
The cake.
November 17, 2008
My Walk With The Boys
Today the boys and I decided we needed to get out of the house. It was too cold to sit outside and let Paul play, so I decided that we should go for a walk. I need the excerise and the boys need the fresh air. Since the weather has turned cold, we can't get out of the house that much (sometimes I wonder if Paul feels traped). Peter does not like the stroller. He much rather have someone hold him. It has been hard to take him on walks. I did not know if he would ever grow out of it. Today things changed. Almost as soon as I put him in the stroller, he started to kick his feet and get excited. He would pull himself up in a sitting position and hold on to the front seat where Paul was. Then he would hang over the edge and watch the ground go by. Usually what happens is that he screams all the way. He was very happy and excited, he did fuss a little. I wish I had my camera on the walk, but I did take some pictures after.

Blevins Family,
Ed's house,
Paul and Peter
We Have A Family Blog
Joshua and I started a family blog that we are going to be doing together. I thought this would be something fun for us to do about us and the boys. It will be more focused on our family (what's happening and cute sayings and doings that the boys do). We hope you enjoy it. You can either click on the word family or scroll down and on the right hand side look under family link. Enjoy!
November 15, 2008
My Sister Has A Blog
I wanted you all to know that my sister has started a blog. Click on the word sister and it will take you there. You can also find the link on the right hand side under family links. I think you will enjoy reading her blog about her, the boys, the house, and everything else. Don't forget to stop by and look.
November 14, 2008
I Am Truly Blessed
I am so blessed. I am blessed with my family and that we all were able to come here to Colorado. I am blessed that my parents and sister are able to be apart of my children's lives. I am blessed that I have a husband that loves me and my children. I am also blessed to have the Lord as part of my life and that He provides for my every need (even before I ask him). I am very blessed that I can write these posts knowing that you read them and are blessed. I am so thankful that I can keep up with everyone of you and you can still be apart of our lives. You were all so special to us and we miss you. As I write each one of these posts, it surprises me that so much can happen in a short amount of time. Sometimes I wonder if I will have alot to write each month and something new happens. I now realize that so many things to happen that I want to share with you so that you can be apart of our lives. I hope that I don't bore you with all my posts and pictures. May you all be blessed today and always. Thanks for being part of our lives and sharing in our adventures. Know that as I write these posts, I think of you and pray for you all. I also think about how you will laugh, praise God, and pray for us as you read these. I also love hearing from you.
The Weather
I thought that you would like to know that while you are having 79 degree weather, we are down to 28 degrees and it is snowing. I don't know when it started to snow, but when I got up this morning the ground was showing snow and it was snowing lightly. You could still see the sun behind the clouds. As the morning progressed the snow became thicker and now you can no longer see the sun. The ground is covered and snow is flying every where. Paul does not like the snow. I think it is too cold for him, plus we did not see that much in California. Grandpa took him out there when it was lightly snowing and he cried. Paul and Peter both are excited about watching the snow fall. Paul loves showing us that it is snowing outside. Maybe I can get some work done with them being distracted :). I don't have my camera with me because we went over to the house and took some pictures so we could decide on paint. It did not make it back. The snow is coming down in large flakes and the wind picks it up and it is very interesting to see. I will try to take some pictures later this afternoon, if it is still snowing and if my sister makes it back from the shop (hopefully we won't have a blizzard).
P.S. The house is closing today. My parents are going to pay and sign some papers. Then on Saturday we will start to paint the rooms. We are very excited about this and hope to move in before Thanksgiving. Thanks for all your prayers.
P.S. The house is closing today. My parents are going to pay and sign some papers. Then on Saturday we will start to paint the rooms. We are very excited about this and hope to move in before Thanksgiving. Thanks for all your prayers.
November 12, 2008
Update On Us
We are all doing well. The boys have been fighting colds for about a week, but so has everyone else. They are just starting to feel better. Peter is getting teeth, and has been for the past few months. He has two teeth now (the bottom ones) and I can see the two teeth on top, but they have not popped through yet. The shop is going good. When I call my mom, they seem to be more busy. I have been staying home with the boys because of their colds. The shop is not meeting our bills yet. It seems like we are having a hard time getting ahead. We are having to pay money up front for advertising and having the help we need, which is hard on us starting a business. We are hoping not to have to take money that we can use to fix the house for the bills. Please pray for health as winter arrives and we are adjusting to the new climate. That Peter would not be in so much pain as he gets his teeth and that we would have the patience as he does. That God would continue to provide for us as He has been since we moved. The Lord's blessing on this new house and that everything would go smoothly as we move into it. That we would give all our worries and cares to Him. Thank you for all your prayers. You all mean so much to us. God Bless.
All Of Us,
God's Goodness,
prayers requests
Paul Sings
I have been wanting to tape this for awhile. Paul loves music and he has been hearing it while he was in the womb and very young. He loves when Joshua plays the violin and to listen to different c.d.s we play. In church, he would copy the song leader by waving his hands up and down (of course he did not know what he was doing), but we thought it was pretty cute. The first time he did this we were trying hard not to bust up laughing. After church the song leader came up and asked, "Did he do what I thought he did?" We replied with a hearty, "Yes!!!" He has been doing it from that time on. He also loves to sing to the music as well. He is pretty good at singing (at least as young as he is). Here are some movies of him singing to the music (yes, it is Christmas music).
Our New Home
Here are some pictures of our house that we just bought. I only took pictures of the front and back because I wanted to wait until we painted and got the carpet in before taking pictures of the inside. I will post pictures of the inside as soon as I can. The house is located in a cul-de-sac, which will be very nice for when the boys get older. I think that the house suits us very well. It has alot of personality. We are going to remove the big bush in the front which will open it up alot. I love the cute, homey look the house has. The backyard is big and has alot of trees in it. Paul loves to play back there and hid around the trees. We have many plans for the back such as a garden, play house, and maybe a tree house. I hope you enjoy these pictures.

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