June 19, 2011

Fay Estelle Is Here!

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest little blessing

Fay Estelle Blevins
June 19, 2011
6 lbs. 9 ozs.
20 1/4 inches

Mommy and baby are doing fine. More to come.



  1. So beautiful! Congratulations! Do you mind if I use the picture to show people my new niece? Hugs!

  2. Hi Amy! Congratulations on your precious new baby girl! A week early too, how nice for you! How is she doing? How about you, how are you doing? How did the labor go? I actually had you on my heart all day Saturday and was praying for you, now I know why. :-) All my kids have coughs and runny noses so we will wait to visit till they are better, I don't want little Fay to get sick. Hope to hear from you soon! In Christ,Betsy :-)

  3. WOW! Congratulations!!! What a blessing, another little one around to love.I am sure it is hard to believe how fast the boys are growing and now Stellalooks so big compared to Fay. I appreciate you taking time to write, know you are a busy mommy!I will try to check your blog and keep up that way. I love seeing the pictures ofyou all.Hi to your family,Love, Suzanne

  4. Hi. Fay is so cute. I can't wait for more pictures.

  5. Grandma Cathy BlevinsJune 22, 2011 at 2:55 PM

    I want you to know I saw Fay's picture on your blog. She is a beautiful little female Peter. They sure look alike. Silly me, I cannot figure out how to send a comment. Ugh. Love you.
    Grandma Cathy


We are excited to hear from you. God bless.