August 20, 2009

My Kids

Here is an old post that I had forgotten to post. Today Paul helped grandma with loading some more of our things in the car. He is going to be such a big helper and loves getting things that I need (especially when they involve his little brother). Peter also has a cute way of kicking his hands and feet when he gets excited. He loves being able to move around (he is almost crawling) and being able to touch things. Some day soon Paul and Peter will be playing together (isn't that a scarry thought- two running around!) :). Paul is getting into all sorts of games. He loves to play peek-a-boo. He is just getting into hiding him self or putting blankets and things over his head.

1 comment:

  1. Cute videos. I like the one of Peter about to eat a leaf. He looks so cute :)
    Lindy PRD


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