February 2, 2011

Paul's Birthday Week

At our house, we celebrate birthdays during the entire week. It started on Saturday, when my mom brought up some cars and tracks that she had gotten for Paul's birthday. The boys (that includes Joshua) had so much fun playing with the cars, even off the track. They probably played with them an hour and a half. Even Stella liked to watch the cars go around.

Then I decided to give him some of the presents that I had gotten for him and ended up giving him all of them and Peter something too. We played Uno Moo together as a family and they had alot of fun watching the new videos that I had for them. I also had given Paul a new Jay Jay shirt and p.j.'s. So after his bath, Paul had to put them on.
On his birthday, we had some friends come over after the boys naps. They were so thoughtful as they brought Paul a small present for him to open. The boys enjoyed playing with the other kids and they were able to eat cupcakes together to celebrate Paul's birthday. I think he had a wonderful birthday. Grandma Cathy also called to wish him a happy birthday. We always enjoy talking to Grandma Cathy. And that wraps it up.
Happy Birthday, Paul! We love you very much.

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